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weectl station

Use the weectl subcommand station to create and manage the data for a station, including its configuration file.

Specify --help to see the actions and options.

See the section Options below for details of the various options.

Create a new station data directory

weectl station create [WEEWX-ROOT]
    [--latitude=LATITUDE] [--longitude=LONGITUDE]
    [--register=(y,n) [--station-url=URL]]

The create action will create a new directory in location WEEWX-ROOT and populate it with station data. The default location for WEEWX-ROOT is ~/weewx-data, that is, the directory weewx-data in your home directory.

After the command completes, the directory will contain:

  • a configuration file called weewx.conf;
  • documentation;
  • examples;
  • utility files; and
  • skins.

This action is typically used to create the initial station configuration when installing WeeWX for the first time. It can also be used to create configurations for multiple stations.

For example, to create a station data area in the default area ~/weewx-data, you would specify

weectl station create

The resultant directory would contain a configuration file weewx.conf.

To add another station using the same station data area, but a separate configuration file named barn.conf, you would specify

weectl station create --config=barn.conf

You would end up with a single station data area, ~/weewx-data, with two different configuration files, weewx.conf and barn.conf.

If invoked without any options, the create action will prompt you for various settings, such as the type of hardware you are using, the station altitude and location, etc.

Use the option --no-prompt to create a configuration without prompts. This will use settings specified as options, and default values for any setting not specified. This is useful when creating a station with an automated script. For example,

weectl station create --no-prompt --driver=weewx.drivers.vantage \
    --altitude="400,foot" --latitude=45.1 --longitude=-105.9 \ 
    --location="My Special Station"

will create a station with the indicated values. Default values will be used for any setting that is not specified.

Reconfigure an existing station

weectl station reconfigure
    [--latitude=LATITUDE] [--longitude=LONGITUDE]
    [--register=(y,n) [--station-url=URL]]

The reconfigure action will modify the contents of an existing configuration file. It is often used to change drivers.

If invoked without any options, reconfigure will prompt you for settings.

Use the option --no-prompt to reconfigure without prompts. This will use the settings specified as options, and existing values for anything that is not specified.

For example, to keep all settings, but change to the Vantage driver you would use

weectl station reconfigure --no-prompt --driver=weewx.drivers.vantage

Upgrade an existing station

weectl station upgrade
    [--what ITEM [ITEM ...]

When you upgrade WeeWX, only the code is upgraded; upgrades to WeeWX do not modify the station data, including the configuration file, database, skins or utility files.

Use the upgrade action to upgrade one or more of these items.

weectl station upgrade

When invoked with no options, the upgrade action upgrades only the examples, and utility files. By default, the configuration file and skins are not upgraded. This is to avoid overwriting any changes you might have made.

However, you can use the --what option to explicitly choose what to upgrade.

For example, if you wish to upgrade the skins, you must specify --what skins. This will save timestamped copies of your old skins, then copy in the new versions.

weectl station upgrade --what skins

See the details below for option --what.

Positional argument


Use this option with weectl station create to specify a directory that is to hold the station data area. Default is ~/weewx-data.

Optional arguments


The altitude of your station, along with the unit it is measured in. For example, --altitude=50,meter. Note that the unit is measured in the singular (foot, not feet). Default is "0,foot".


Path to the configuration file, relative to WEEWX_ROOT. If the filename starts with a slash (/), it is an absolute path. Default is weewx.conf.


Which driver to use. Default is weewx.drivers.simulator.


With option --dry-run you can test what weect station would do without actually doing it. It will print out the steps, but not actually write anything.


Where the WeeWX examples can be found, relative to WEEWX_ROOT. If the directory starts with a slash (/), it is an absolute path. Default is examples. This option is rarely needed by the average user.


Where generated HTML files should be placed, relative to WEEWX_ROOT. If the directory starts with a slash (/), it is an absolute path. Default is public_html. This option is rarely needed by the average user.


The station latitude in decimal degrees. Negative for the southern hemisphere. Default is 0.


A description of your station, such as --location="A small town in Rongovia" Default is WeeWX.


The station longitude in decimal degrees. Negative for the western hemisphere. Default is 0.


If weectl station changes your configuration file or skins, it will save a timestamped copy of the original. If you specify --no-backup, then it will not save a copy.


Generally, the utility will prompt for values unless --no-prompt has been set. When --no-prompt is specified, the values to be used are the default values, replaced with whatever options have been set on the command line. For example,

weectl station create --driver='weewx.drivers.vantage' --no-prompt

will cause the defaults to be used for all values except --driver.


Whether to include the station in the WeeWX registry and map. If you choose to register your station, you must also specify a unique URL for your station with option --station-url. Default is n (do not register).


The location of the directory holding the skins relative to WEEWX_ROOT. If the directory starts with a slash (/), it is an absolute path. Default is skins. This option is rarely needed by the average user.


The location of the directory holding the SQLite database relative to WEEWX_ROOT. If the directory starts with a slash (/), it is an absolute path. Default is skins. This option is rarely needed by the average user.


A unique URL for the station. The station URL identifies each station in the WeeWX registry and map.

Example: --station-url= No default.


What units to use for your reports. Options are us, metricwx, or metric. See the section Units for details. Default is us.


Where user extensions can be found, relative to WEEWX_ROOT. If the directory starts with a slash (/), it is an absolute path. Default is bin/user. This option is rarely needed by the average user.


Use this option with weectl station reconfigure to change the station data area. This option is rarely needed by the average user.


By default, the upgrade action will upgrade the documentation, examples, and utility files. However, you can specify exactly what gets upgraded by using the --what option.

The --what option understands the following:

  • config - the configuration file
  • examples - the example extensions
  • util - the system utility files
  • skins - the report templates

For example, to upgrade the configuration file and skins only, you would specify

weectl station upgrade --what config skins


The --what option does not take an equal sign (=). Just list the desired things to be upgraded, without commas between them.

-y | --yes

Do not ask for confirmation. Just do it.