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Aggregation types

Aggregation types
Aggregation type Meaning
avg The average value in the aggregation period.
avg_ge(val) The number of days when the average value is greater than or equal to val. Aggregation period must be one day or longer. The argument val is a ValueTuple.
avg_le(val) The number of days when the average value is less than or equal to val. Aggregation period must be one day or longer. The argument val is a ValueTuple.
count The number of non-null values in the aggregation period.
diff The difference between the last and first value in the aggregation period.
exists Returns True if the observation type exists in the database.
first The first non-null value in the aggregation period.
firsttime The time of the first non-null value in the aggregation period.
gustdir The direction of the max gust in the aggregation period.
has_data Returns True if the observation type exists (either in the database or as an xtype) and has at least one non-null value in the aggregation period.
last The last non-null value in the aggregation period.
lasttime The time of the last non-null value in the aggregation period.
max The maximum value in the aggregation period.
maxmin The maximum daily minimum in the aggregation period. Aggregation period must be one day or longer.
maxmintime The time of the maximum daily minimum.
maxsum The maximum daily sum in the aggregation period. Aggregation period must be one day or longer.
maxsumtime The time of the maximum daily sum.
maxtime The time of the maximum value.
max_ge(val) The number of days when the maximum value is greater than or equal to val. Aggregation period must be one day or longer. The argument val is a ValueTuple.
max_le(val) The number of days when the maximum value is less than or equal to val. Aggregation period must be one day or longer. The argument val is a ValueTuple.
meanmax The average daily maximum in the aggregation period. Aggregation period must be one day or longer.
meanmin The average daily minimum in the aggregation period. Aggregation period must be one day or longer.
min The minimum value in the aggregation period.
minmax The minimum daily maximum in the aggregation period. Aggregation period must be one day or longer.
minmaxtime The time of the minimum daily maximum.
minsum The minimum daily sum in the aggregation period. Aggregation period must be one day or longer.
minsumtime The time of the minimum daily sum.
mintime The time of the minimum value.
min_ge(val) The number of days when the minimum value is greater than or equal to val. Aggregation period must be one day or longer. The argument val is a ValueTuple.
min_le(val) The number of days when the minimum value is less than or equal to val. Aggregation period must be one day or longer. The argument val is a ValueTuple.
not_null Returns truthy if any value over the aggregation period is non-null.
rms The root mean square value in the aggregation period.
sum The sum of values in the aggregation period.
sum_ge(val) The number of days when the sum of value is greater than or equal to val. Aggregation period must be one day or longer. The argument val is a ValueTuple.
sum_le(val) The number of days when the sum of value is less than or equal to val. Aggregation period must be one day or longer. The argument val is a ValueTuple.
tderiv The time derivative between the last and first value in the aggregation period. This is the difference in value divided by the difference in time.
vecavg The vector average speed in the aggregation period.
vecdir The vector averaged direction during the aggregation period.