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Upgrade guide


You must use the same upgrade technique as your initial install! For example, if you used pip to install WeeWX, then you should use pip to upgrade. If you used a DEB or RPM package to install, then you should upgrade using the same package type.


If you are upgrading from an old installation, see the instructions Migrating installs to Version 5.0.

The instructions for upgrading WeeWX are in the quick start guides:

The rest of this document describes the changes in each WeeWX release.

Upgrading the WeeWX configuration file

It does not happen very often, but occasionally a new release will require changes to the WeeWX configuration file. When this happens, the installer takes care of upgrading the file, and you do not need to worry about it.

However, there are some occasions when you may need to upgrade the file yourself. In particular, this happens when you run several instances of weewxd on the same machine, each with its own configuration file. The configuration file named weewx.conf will get upgraded, but what about the others?

The answer is to use weectl station upgrade with the --config option pointing to the configuration file to be upgraded. For example, this would upgrade the configuration file /etc/weewx/other.conf:

sudo weectl station upgrade --config=/etc/weewx/other.conf

Upgrading to V5.0

There have been many changes with Version 5, but only a handful are likely to affect users. With that in mind, we have broken this section down into two sub-sections: breaking changes, and non-breaking changes.

Breaking changes

Changes in this category may require your attention.

Python 2.7 no longer supported

It has now been over 4 years since the end-of-life of Python 2.7. It's time to move on. WeeWX V5.x requires Python 3.6 (released 7 years ago) or greater. These days, all but the most ancient of operating systems offer Python 3, although you may have to install it.

New utilities

The old utilities have been collected and put under one master utility, weectl. This make it easy to use weectl --help to see which one you want.

Old utility New utility
wee_database weectl database
wee_debug weectl debug
wee_device weectl device
wee_extension weectl extension
wee_import weectl import
wee_reports weectl report
wee_config weectl station

pip installs to new location

The default location for a install was /home/weewx. The new pip install method installs to a directory called weewx-data in the home directory of the user doing the install. However, old installations can continue to use /home/weewx by following the guide Migrating installs to Version 5.0.

WeeWX runs as non-root user

For new installations and most upgrades, weewxd will now run as a non-root user. The configuration files, skins, databases, and reports are no longer owned by root. This means that root privilege is no longer required to modify the WeeWX configuration and the WeeWX daemon no longer runs with escalated privileges. Escalated privilege is still required to start/stop the daemon.

For installations that use apt, yum, or zypper (installs that use the DEB or RPM packages), the WeeWX user is weewx and the group is weewx. The home directory of the weewx user is /var/lib/weewx. The installer puts the user who does the installation into the weewx group. For upgrades, the installer checks the ownership of /var/lib/weewx. If the ownership was other than root:root, the installer will respect the previous configured user and not change it.

For installations that use pip or git, the WeeWX user is whoever created the station data.

There are a few places where this change to permissions may affect an existing WeeWX installation:

  • access to USB and/or serial devices
  • access to network ports, specifically binding to port 80
  • creation and updating of reports

If you encounter problems when upgrading to V5, please see the wiki article What you should know about permissions

Changes in the utility import

The use of a field map by the import utility has been revised and is now more consistent across import sources. The result is the import utility now requires a field map definition stanza for all import sources with the field map defining the mapping from import source field to WeeWX archive field in addition to defining source field units and identifying cumulative and text fields. The expanded field map has resulted in the rain and [[Units]] import configuration file options being deprecated. Refer to the import utility documentation and comments in the example import configuration files for further details.

Chinese language code changed to zh

Previously, the non-standard code "cn" was used for Chinese language translations. V5 changes this to zh. This will require manually changing any option that looks like this

lang = cn

to this

lang = zh

Non-breaking changes

Changes in this category involve new functionality, or are not of interest to existing users, or the upgrade process takes care of old configurations transparently.

Utility wunderfixer has been removed.

The Weather Underground no longer allows past-dated posts, so the utility is no longer useful. installs no longer possible

The package distutils, and the imperative approach on which the WeeWX install method depends, has been deprecated and will ultimately be removed. The future is clearly pip installs using pyproject.toml. See the wiki article on Version 5 for the technical reasons why.

WEEWX_ROOT is now relative to the configuration file

In previous versions, WEEWX_ROOT was specified in the configuration file as an absolute path. That requirement has been relaxed and refined. In V5, WEEWX_ROOT can be specified in the configuration file as a relative path, or not at all. If it is specified as a relative path, it will be relative to the directory of the configuration file. If it is not specified at all (the default for new installs), it defaults to the directory of the configuration file.

This has the advantage that it allows the entire station data area to be rooted anywhere in the file tree — one need only specify the location of the configuration file to locate everything, for example, using the --config to weectl or weewxd.

Old configuration files with an absolute path will continue to function as before.

SQLITE_ROOT is now relative to WEEWX_ROOT

Previously, SQLITE_ROOT was expected to be an absolute path, but now relative paths are accepted. A relative path is considered relative to WEEWX_ROOT. Because this is less restrictive, it is not expected to affect any users.

New script to configure a daemon

This affects WeeWX installations that use pip. Installations that use apt, yum, or zypper (installs that use the DEB or RPM packages) are not affected.

There is a new script that will install the files necessary to run WeeWX as a daemon. This script recognizes many operating systems, including Linux (with or without systemd), BSD, and macOS.

This script is not run automatically - you must invoke it explicitly after you install or upgrade using pip.

For upgrades, if you already have a systemd unit in /etc/systemd/system, a SysV script in /etc/init.d/weewx, a launchd plist in /Library/LaunchDaemons, or BSD rc in /usr/local/etc/rc.d, the setup script will move that aside.

New location for user directory

This affects WeeWX installations that use apt, yum, or zypper (installs that use the DEB or RPM packages). Installations that use a or pip install are not affected.

Previous versions of WeeWX would install code used by extensions alongside other WeeWX code, usually in /usr/share/weewx/user.

With version 5, the user directory is kept with other station data, separate from the WeeWX code. For DEB and RPM installations, the user directory is now /etc/weewx/bin/user. If you upgrade a DEB or RPM installation, any extensions that were installed in /usr/share/weewx/user will be copied to /etc/weewx/bin/user, and the old user directory will be moved aside.

Use of systemd units for services

This affects users who use a DEB or RPM package install, and are running on operating systems that use systemd, Installations that use a or pip install are not affected.

For these package installers, two systemd unit files will be installed: the standard service unit weewx.service, and the template service unit weewx@.service. The template unit makes it very easy to run multiple instances of weewxd (for example, if you have more than one weather station or multiple sets of sensors).

If you upgrade from V4, the init script /etc/init.d/weewx will remain - you can safely delete it, since the new systemd unit files have precedence. If you modified the init script, you will have to migrate your changes to the systemd methods for running daemons.

If you added a systemd unit file /etc/systemd/system/weewx.service to a V4 installation, then you upgrade from V4, you might want to remove the unit file then sudo systemctl daemon-reload followed by sudo systemctl enable weewx. Until you do this, the unit file in /etc/systemd will have precedence over the unit and unit template that are installed by the installer. If you just want to override behavior of the units installed by the installer, you should use the .d pattern instead. See the systemd documentation for details.

WeeWX runs as the weewx user

This affects WeeWX installations that use apt, yum, or zypper (installs that use the DEB or RPM packages). Installations that use a or pip install are not affected.

For new installations, weewxd will run as the user weewx. The configuration files, skins, databases, and reports are owned by the weewx group. This makes it easier to manage a WeeWX installation. Put yourself into the weewx group, then you will not have to sudo to make changes to skins or configurations. You will have to sudo to start/stop weewxd.

For upgrades, the installer will check the ownership of /var/lib/weewx. If the ownership is root:root, the installer will create the weewx user and run weewxd as that user and group. Otherwise, weewxd will run as the previously configured user.

udev rules installed for core hardware

Version 5 includes a small change to the udev rules for hardware that is supported by WeeWX. The rules include permissions that make any hardware that uses USB or serial ports accessible to non-root users.

If you install WeeWX using apt, yum, or zypper, the udev rules are installed as part of the installation process. In this case, the rules make the devices accessible to anyone in the weewx group. So if you put yourself in the weewx group, you will not have to sudo to communicate with a supported USB or serial device.

If you install using pip, the rules are installed by the same script that installs the files necessary to run as a daemon.

Upgrading to V4.10

Breaking changes for skins that use delta times

A "delta time" is the difference between two times, for example the amount of uptime (difference between start and current time), or the amount of daylight (difference between sunrise and sunset). In previous versions, delta times were treated as a special case, which limited their flexibility. With PR #807, a delta time is treated like any other scalar, which gives you access to all the regular formatting tools. However, a side effect is that if you want to format the time in the "long form", that is, so the results look like 4 hours, 15 minutes, rather than 15300 seconds, then you will have to say so explicitly.

If you use the Seasons skin, you will have to make these four changes. Add the text in green:

V4.9 and earlier Seasons skin 4.10 Seasons skin
Seasons/ starting at line 31
  <td class="label">$gettext("Server uptime")</td>
  <td class="data">$station.os_uptime</td>
  <td class="label">$gettext("WeeWX uptime")</td>
  <td class="data">$station.uptime</td>
  <td class="label">$gettext("Server uptime")</td>
  <td class="data">$station.os_uptime.long_form</td>
  <td class="label">$gettext("WeeWX uptime")</td>
  <td class="data">$station.uptime.long_form</td>
Seasons/ starting at line 94
  <td class="label">$gettext("Total daylight")</td>
  <td class="data">$almanac.sun.visible<br/>$sun_visible_change $change_str</td>
  <td class="label">$gettext("Total daylight")</td>
  <td class="data">$almanac.sun.visible.long_form<br/>$sun_visible_change.long_form $change_str</td>

In a similar manner, if you use the Standard skin, you will have to make these two changes.

V4.9 and earlier Standard skin 4.10 Standard skin
Standard/index.html.tmpl starting at line 309
<p>$gettext("WeeWX uptime"):  $station.uptime<br/>
$gettext("Server uptime"): $station.os_uptime<br/>
<p>$gettext("WeeWX uptime"):  $station.uptime.long_form<br/>
$gettext("Server uptime"): $station.os_uptime.long_form<br/>

In both cases, the new formatting directive .long_form has been used to explicitly request that the delta time be formatted into its constituent components. The advantage of this approach is that the delta time can be treated like any other scalar. Here are some examples:

Tag Results
45000 seconds
12.5 hours
12.50 hours
12 hours, 30 minutes, 0 seconds

Changes for custom delta time formats

Fixing issue #808 required introducing a separate dictionary for members of group group_deltatime. This means that if you specified custom formats under [Units]/[[TimeFormats]], then you will have to move them to the new section [Units]/[[DeltaTimeFormats]]. Very few users should be affected by this change because the ability to set custom delta time formats is an undocumented feature.

The good news is that the contexts they now use have more standard names. The table below summarizes:

V4.9 and earlier 4.10
    current     = %x %X
    ephem_day   = %X
    ephem_year  = %x %X
    brief_delta = "%(minute)d%(minute_label)s, %(second)d%(second_label)s"
    short_delta = "%(hour)d%(hour_label)s, %(minute)d%(minute_label)s, %(second)d%(second_label)s"
    long_delta  = "%(day)d%(day_label)s, %(hour)d%(hour_label)s, %(minute)d%(minute_label)s"
    delta_time  = "%(day)d%(day_label)s, %(hour)d%(hour_label)s, %(minute)d%(minute_label)s"
    current     = %x %X
    ephem_day   = %X
    ephem_year  = %x %X

    current = "%(minute)d%(minute_label)s, %(second)d%(second_label)s"
    hour    = "%(minute)d%(minute_label)s, %(second)d%(second_label)s"
    day     = "%(hour)d%(hour_label)s, %(minute)d%(minute_label)s, %(second)d%(second_label)s"
    week    = "%(day)d%(day_label)s, %(hour)d%(hour_label)s, %(minute)d%(minute_label)s"
    month   = "%(day)d%(day_label)s, %(hour)d%(hour_label)s, %(minute)d%(minute_label)s"
    year    = "%(day)d%(day_label)s, %(hour)d%(hour_label)s, %(minute)d%(minute_label)s"

Elapsed time calls may have to be changed

The fix for Issue #808 also affects the API.

V4.9 and earlier 4.10
# Create an elapsed time of 1655 seconds
vt = ValueTuple(1655, 'second', 'group_deltatime')
vh = ValueHelper(vt,
# Create an elapsed time of 1655 seconds
vt = ValueTuple(1655, 'second', 'group_deltatime')
vh = ValueHelper(vt,

In summary, because group_deltatime now uses the same context names as any other time, you will have to change the call to use one of the conventional contexts.

Upgrading to V4.9

wee_reports may require --epoch option.

In previous versions, the utility wee_reports could take an optional position argument that specified the reporting time in unix epoch time. For example,

wee_reports /home/weewx/weewx.conf 1645131600

would specify that the reporting time should be 1645131600, or 17-Feb-2022 13:00 PST.

Starting with V4.9, the unix epoch time must be specified using the --epoch flag, so the command becomes

wee_reports /home/weewx/weewx.conf --epoch=1645131600

Alternatively, the reporting time can be specified by using --date and --time flags:

wee_reports /home/weewx/weewx.conf --date=2022-02-17 --time=13:00

Init function of class WXXTypes has changed

In earlier versions, ET was calculated in class WXXTypes. Now it has its own class, ETXType. As a result, some initialization parameters are no longer needed and have been removed.

Note also that the parameter heat_index_algo was changed to heatindex_algo in keeping with the rest of the code.

Unless you have been writing specialized code that required direct access to WXXTypes you are very unlikely to be affected.

V4.8 and earlier 4.9
def __init__(self, altitude_vt, latitude_f, longitude_f,
def __init__(self, altitude_vt, latitude_f, longitude_f,

Calling signature of some archive span functions has changed

The calling signature of the following functions has changed. In general, the parameter grace has been removed in favor of a more robust method for figuring out which time span a timestamp belongs to.

V4.8 and earlier 4.9
def archiveHoursAgoSpan(time_ts, hours_ago=0, grace=1)
def archiveHoursAgoSpan(time_ts, hours_ago=0)
def archiveDaySpan(time_ts, grace=1, days_ago=0)
def archiveDaySpan(time_ts, days_ago=0)
def archiveWeekSpan(time_ts, startOfWeek=6, grace=1, weeks_ago=0)
def archiveWeekSpan(time_ts, startOfWeek=6, weeks_ago=0)
def archiveMonthSpan(time_ts, grace=1, months_ago=0)
def archiveMonthSpan(time_ts, months_ago=0)
def archiveYearSpan(time_ts, grace=1, years_ago=0)
def archiveYearSpan(time_ts, years_ago=0)
def archiveRainYearSpan(time_ts, sory_mon, grace=1)
def archiveRainYearSpan(time_ts, sory_mon)

Upgrading to V4.6

Ordering of search list changed

In previous versions, user-supplied search list extensions were appended to the search list. Starting with V4.6, they are now prepended to the list. This means that when Cheetah is evaluating the list, looking for a tag, it will encounter user-supplied extensions first, allowing extensions to override the built-in tags and change their behavior.

Tag $alltime

The tag $alltime, formerly included as an example, is now a part of the core of WeeWX. This means you may no longer need to include the "stats" example as a Cheetah search list extension, although leaving it in will do no harm.

Upgrading to V4.5

Version 4.5 changes are unlikely to affect anyone, except extension writers who are deep in the internals of WeeWX.

API changes

There have been a number of changes in the WeeWX API. None of them are likely to affect end users. Overall, the biggest change is that the data held internally in class ValueHelper is now held in the target unit system, rather than being converted at time of use.

Defaults for ValueHelper have changed

Before, when constructing a new ValueHelper, if no converter was included in the constructor, a default converter, which converts to US Units, was supplied. Now, if no converter is included in the constructor, no default converter at all is supplied, and the data remain in the original units. This is unlikely to affect most extension writers because the usual case is to supply a converter to the ValueHelper constructor.

Function as_value_tuple() may raise KeyError

Previously, if the function as_value_tuple() was asked to return a ValueTuple of a non-existent type, it returned a ValueTuple with values (None, None, None). Now it raises a KeyError exception.

Upgrading to V4.4

Auto patch of daily summaries

The V4.2 daily summary patch inadvertently introduced a bug which caused the wind daily summary to be incorrectly weighted. See issue #642. V4.4 includes a patch to automatically fix the defective daily summary. It is run only once on the first use of a database (usually by weewxd) and takes only a few seconds.

Upgrading to V4.3

Auto patch of daily summaries

Version 4.2 inadvertently introduced a bug, which prevented the sums that are kept in the daily summaries from being weighted by the archive interval. See issue #623. V4.3 includes a patch, which will fix any defective daily summaries automatically. It is run only once on the first use of a database (usually by weewxd) and takes only a few seconds.

Option ignore_zero_wind has been renamed and moved

Normally, WeeWX sets wind direction to undefined when wind speed is zero. While it was never documented, some users used option ignore_zero_wind to prevent this: if set to False, wind direction will not be set to undefined when wind speed is zero. However, the option's location and name has changed. It is now called force_null, and it is now located under [StdWXCalculate] / [[WXXTypes]] / [[[windDir]]]. The old name and location has been deprecated, but still honored.

V4.2 and earlier 4.3
    ignore_zero_wind = False
        force_null = False

Option log_failure set to True

The option log_failure under [StdReport] controls whether to log failures into the system log. It was previously set to False. The upgrade process will set it to True, so that users can better see failure modes.

V4.2 and earlier 4.3
    log_failure = False
    log_failure = True

Upgrading to V4.2

For the most part, V4.2 is backwards compatible with previous versions. There is one small exception.

Type beaufort deprecated

The type beaufort has been deprecated, although there are no immediate plans to remove it — using it will put a warning in the log. Instead, it has become a new unit, which can be used as part of group_speed. Here's an example:

V4.1 and earlier 4.2
The current wind speed is $current.windSpeed,
which is $current.beaufort on the beaufort scale.
The current wind speed is $current.windSpeed,
which is $current.windSpeed.beaufort on the beaufort scale.

Upgrading to V4.0

For the most part, V4.0 is backwards compatible with previous versions.

Python 2.5 and 2.6

Support for Python 2.5 and 2.6 has been dropped. It has now been well over 10 years since these versions were introduced, and 6+ years since they were supported by the Python Software Foundation. If you are using Python 2.5 or 2.6, then you should either upgrade your copy of Python, or stay with your old version of WeeWX.


In earlier versions of WeeWX, many derived types were calculated by default by the service StdWXCalculate. By contrast, in WeeWX V4, no derived types are calculated by default — all desired types must be explicitly listed in weewx.conf. For most users, this will not cause a problem because most types were already listed in weewx.conf. However if you deleted one of the following types in the clause [StdWXCalculate], and started to depend on the default calculations, then the type will no longer be calculated in V4.

pressure barometer altimeter
windchill heatindex dewpoint
inDewpoint rainRate

In this case, you should add the type to [StdWXCalculate]. For example, if for some reason you deleted dewpoint, then you would need to add the following

    dewpoint = prefer_hardware

Upgrading to V3.9

New skins

Version 3.9 introduces and installs a new skin, Seasons, and promotes two old skins, Mobile and Smartphone, previously part of Standard, to first-class, independent, skins.

  • If you are installing fresh (not an upgrade), then all four skins, Seasons, Standard, Mobile, and Smartphone will be installed, but only Seasons will be activated.
  • If you are upgrading, then the three new skins, Seasons, Mobile, and Smartphone will be installed, but none will be activated. Your existing Standard will be left untouched and activated. For most people, your website will continue to look as expected (the exception is explained below in section Do you need to change anything?).


If you are upgrading, and you wish to try the new skin Seasons, then activate it, but be sure to deactivate Standard. Otherwise, both will get generated, and they will compete with each other for placement in your HTML directory.

Skin defaults

Version 3.9 introduces a new section, [StdReport]/[[Defaults]] in weewx.conf. Options in this section apply to all reports. For example, if you set a unit group here, it will be applied everywhere. This makes it easy to set the units across all reports, or to ensure that the labels for observations are the same in every report.

It also adds a file, in which the fallback values for every report parameter are specified. Although the defaults file is currently useful only to developers, in the future it may be extended to facilitate translations and localization.

Do you need to change anything?

The introduction of the new section, [StdReport]/[[Defaults]] in weewx.conf, can change which units are applied to reports because it has a higher precedence than what is in skin.conf. See the section How to specify options for details of the ordering in which an option is considered.

Most users will be unaffected by these changes because they depend on specific report overrides. There is, however, one exception:


If your installation does not use overrides, and you changed to metric units in your skin.conf file, you will be affected.

Your reports will start appearing in U.S. Customary units. The reason is that the new section, [StdReport]/[[Defaults]] has higher priority than options in skin.conf, and thus will start asserting itself.

The fix is simple: modify the [StdReport]/[[Defaults]] to suit your preferences.

However, users who specified what unit system to use as part of the automated install using a package installer or, will have an override section, and therefore will be unaffected. This is because the override section has the highest priority.

Upgrading to V3.7

Changes to daily summaries

Perhaps the most significant change in V3.7 is a fix for how daily summary values are calculated and stored.

Daily summaries were introduced in V3.0 (December 2014), to speed up certain kinds of aggregation calculations. They were designed to "weight" values depending on the time length of the archive record that contributed them. For example, shorter intervals contributed less than longer intervals. This was intended to enable changes to the length of the archive interval.

Unfortunately, a bug caused the weightings to all be one (1), regardless of what the actual archive interval length might be. This means all archive records, long and short, contribute the same amount, instead of being weighted by their length. So, if the archive interval were to change, averages would be calculated incorrectly.

This bug will only affect you if you have changed the length of your archive interval, or if you plan to. If you have not changed your archive interval length, and have no plans to do so, then there is nothing you need to do.


Your archive may have interval values of different sizes if

  • you have imported data using wee_import
  • your hardware has a data logger, your configuration uses record_generation=software, and the archive_interval is different from that in the hardware
  • your archive contains data from more than one type of hardware

The weectl database update utility can fix this problem by recalculating the weights in the daily summary, on the basis of the actual archive interval lengths. On a Raspberry Pi 1, model B, it takes about 10 minutes to fix a database with 10 years of data. On faster machines, it takes much less time.

weectl database update

If you have multiple databases, consider recalculating the weights in each database. Interval weighting will only need to be applied to databases that have daily summaries, i.e., the binding uses

manager = weewx.wxmanager.WXDaySummaryManager

To apply interval weighting to a database other than the default wx_binding, use the --binding=BINDING_NAME option.

weectl database update --binding=cmon_binding

Recalculation of windSpeed maximum values

Version 3.7 changes how maximum windSpeed is calculated for aggregations of a day or more. Previously, if option use_hilo was set to True (the usual case), maximum windSpeed for a day was set to the maximum value seen in the LOOP packets for the day. In practice this is the same value as windGust. That is, these two tags would supply the same value:


In Version 3.7, this has been changed so the maximum windSpeed is now set to the maximum archive value seen during the day — usually a slightly smaller number. However, older daily max values will still contain the max LOOP packet values. If you wish to update your older values and have them use the max archive record value, use the utility weectl database update .

Change in the name and locations of examples

In earlier versions, examples were located with the WeeWX code base, and packaged as a Python module. This is categorically and semantically incorrect.

The examples now live in their own directory, whose location is dependent on the installation method. If you use an example, you should copy it to the user subdirectory, modify it if necessary, then use it there. Your copy will be retained across version upgrades.

3.6 3.7

Finally, note that the name of one example has been changed:

3.6 3.7

Changes to sensor mapping

The mapping of sensors to database fields was formalized in Version 3.7, resulting in changes to the configuration for some of the drivers, including cc3000, te923, wmr100, wmr200, wmr300, and wmr9x8.

For the wmr200 driver, until Version 3.6, the fields extraTemp1 and extraHumid1 were not usable. Version 3.6.1 shifted the extraTemp and extraHumid mappings down one channel, so that extraTemp1 corresponded to channel 2, extraTemp2 corresponded to channel 3, and so on. The mappings can now be modified by a change to the configuration file, and the default mappings are as follows:

3.6 3.7
** hard-coded in the driver **

    outTemp = temperature_1
    # extraTemp1 is not usable
    extraTemp2 = temperature_2
    extraTemp3 = temperature_3
    extraTemp4 = temperature_4
    extraTemp5 = temperature_5
    extraTemp6 = temperature_6
    extraTemp7 = temperature_7
    extraTemp8 = temperature_8
    outHumidity = humidity_1
    # extraHumid1 is not usable
    extraHumid2 = humidity_2
    extraHumid3 = humidity_3
    extraHumid4 = humidity_4
    extraHumid5 = humidity_5
    extraHumid6 = humidity_6
    extraHumid7 = humidity_7
    extraHumid8 = humidity_8
          altimeter = altimeter
          pressure = pressure
          windSpeed = wind_speed
          windDir = wind_dir
          windGust = wind_gust
          windBatteryStatus = battery_status_wind
          inTemp = temperature_0
          outTemp = temperature_1
          extraTemp1 = temperature_2
          extraTemp2 = temperature_3
          extraTemp3 = temperature_4
          extraTemp4 = temperature_5
          extraTemp5 = temperature_6
          extraTemp6 = temperature_7
          extraTemp7 = temperature_8
          inHumidity = humidity_0
          outHumidity = humidity_1
          extraHumid1 = humidity_2
          extraHumid2 = humidity_3
          extraHumid3 = humidity_4
          extraHumid4 = humidity_5
          extraHumid5 = humidity_6
          extraHumid6 = humidity_7
          extraHumid7 = humidity_8
          outTempBatteryStatus = battery_status_out
          rain = rain
          rainTotal = rain_total
          rainRate = rain_rate
          hourRain = rain_hour
          rain24 = rain_24
          rainBatteryStatus = battery_status_rain
          UV = uv
          uvBatteryStatus = battery_status_uv
          windchill = windchill
          heatindex = heatindex
          forecastIcon = forecast_icon
          outTempFault = out_fault
          windFault = wind_fault
          uvFault = uv_fault
          rainFault = rain_fault
          clockUnsynchronized = clock_unsynchronized

For the te923 driver:

3.6 3.7
          link_wind = windLinkStatus
          bat_wind = windBatteryStatus
          link_rain = rainLinkStatus
          bat_rain = rainBatteryStatus
          link_uv = uvLinkStatus
          bat_uv = uvBatteryStatus
          uv = UV
          t_in = inTemp
          h_in = inHumidity
          t_1 = outTemp
          h_1 = outHumidity
          bat_1 = outBatteryStatus
          link_1 = outLinkStatus
          t_2 = extraTemp1
          h_2 = extraHumid1
          bat_2 = extraBatteryStatus1
          link_2 = extraLinkStatus1
          t_3 = extraTemp2
          h_3 = extraHumid3
          bat_3 = extraBatteryStatus2
          link_3 = extraLinkStatus2
          t_4 = extraTemp3
          h_4 = extraHumid3
          bat_4 = extraBatteryStatus3
          link_4 = extraLinkStatus3
          t_5 = extraTemp4
          h_5 = extraHumid4
          bat_5 = extraBatteryStatus4
          link_5 = extraLinkStatus4
          windLinkStatus = link_wind
          windBatteryStatus = bat_wind
          rainLinkStatus = link_rain
          rainBatteryStatus = bat_rain
          uvLinkStatus = link_uv
          uvBatteryStatus = bat_uv
          inTemp = t_in
          inHumidity = h_in
          outTemp = t_1
          outHumidity = h_1
          outTempBatteryStatus = bat_1
          outLinkStatus = link_1
          extraTemp1 = t_2
          extraHumid1 = h_2
          extraBatteryStatus1 = bat_2
          extraLinkStatus1 = link_2
          extraTemp2 = t_3
          extraHumid2 = h_3
          extraBatteryStatus2 = bat_3
          extraLinkStatus2 = link_3
          extraTemp3 = t_4
          extraHumid3 = h_4
          extraBatteryStatus3 = bat_4
          extraLinkStatus3 = link_4
          extraTemp4 = t_5
          extraHumid4 = h_5
          extraBatteryStatus4 = bat_5
          extraLinkStatus4 = link_5

Upgrading to V3.6

Changes to weewx.conf

In Version 3.6, the list of options that describe how derived variables are to be calculated have been moved to a new subsection called [[Calculations]]. The upgrade process will automatically make this change for you.

3.5 3.6
    pressure = prefer_hardware
    barometer = prefer_hardware
    altimeter = prefer_hardware
    windchill = prefer_hardware
    heatindex = prefer_hardware
    dewpoint = prefer_hardware
    inDewpoint = prefer_hardware
    rainRate = prefer_hardware

        pressure = prefer_hardware
        barometer = prefer_hardware
        altimeter = prefer_hardware
        windchill = prefer_hardware
        heatindex = prefer_hardware
        dewpoint = prefer_hardware
        inDewpoint = prefer_hardware
        rainRate = prefer_hardware

Upgrading to V3.2

New utilities

Version 3.2 includes new utilities to facilitate configuration.

3.2 3.1 and earlier
wee_config Change driver or other station parameters
wee_extension or wee_setup Install, list, and remove extensions
wee_database wee_config_database Manipulate the database
wee_device wee_config_device Get and set parameters on the hardware
wee_reports wee_reports Run reports

Changes to weewx.conf

Release 3.2 introduces a new section [DatabaseTypes]. This section defines the default settings for each type of database. For example, the host, user, and password for MySQL databases can be specified once in the DatabaseTypes section instead of repeating in each Database section. The defaults in DatabaseTypes can be overridden in each Database section as needed.

3.1 3.2
        database = archive_sqlite
        manager = weewx.wxmanager.WXDaySummaryManager
        table_name = archive
        schema = schemas.wview.schema
        root = %(WEEWX_ROOT)s
        database = archive/weewx.sdb
        driver = weedb.sqlite
        host = localhost
        user = weewx
        password = weewx
        database = weewx
        driver = weedb.mysql

        database = archive_sqlite
        manager = weewx.wxmanager.WXDaySummaryManager
        table_name = archive
        schema = schemas.wview.schema
        database_name = weewx.sdb
        database_type = SQLite

        database_name = weewx
        database_type = MySQL

          driver = weedb.sqlite
          SQLITE_ROOT = %(WEEWX_ROOT)s/archive
          driver = weedb.mysql
          host = localhost
          user = weewx
          password = weewx

Upgrading to V3.0


While a lot has changed with Version 3, the upgrade process should take care of most changes for most users. However, if you have installed an extension or, especially, if you have written a custom service, search list extension, or uploader, you will have to make some changes.

Database contents

With Version 3, there is no longer a separate "stats" database. Instead, "daily summaries" have been included in the same database as the archive data — everything is under one name. For example, if you are using sqlite, both the archive data and the daily summaries will be inside file weewx.sdb. With MySQL, everything is inside the database weewx. This makes it easier to keep all data together when working with multiple databases.

This change in database structure should be transparent to you. On startup, WeeWX will automatically backfill the new internal daily summaries from the archive data. Your old "stats" database will no longer be used and may safely set aside or even deleted.

Pressure calibration

Since the new StdWXCalculate service is applied after the StdCalibrate services, the pressure_offset parameter is no longer necessary; pressure calibration can be applied just like any other calibration. If your pressure was calibrated using the pressure_offset parameter, move the calibration to the [StdCalibrate] section. This applies only to CC3000, FineOffsetUSB, Ultimeter, WS1, WS23xx, and WS28xx hardware.


A version 2.X weewx.conf file is not compatible with Version 3.X. However, the upgrade process should automatically update the file. Nevertheless, the changes are documented below:

2.7 3.0
    data_binding = wx_binding
    archive_database = archive_sqlite
    stats_database = stats_sqlite
    archive_schema = user.schemas.defaultArchiveSchema
    stats_schema = user.schemas.defaultStatsSchema
    data_binding = wx_binding
        database = archive_sqlite
        manager = weewx.wxmanager.WXDaySummaryManager
        table_name = archive
        schema = schemas.wview.schema
        root = %(WEEWX_ROOT)s
        database = archive/weewx.sdb
        driver = weedb.sqlite
        root = %(WEEWX_ROOT)s
        database = archive/stats.sdb
        driver = weedb.sqlite
        host = localhost
        user = weewx
        password = weewx
        database = weewx
        driver = weedb.mysql
        host = localhost
        user = weewx
        password = weewx
        database = stats
        driver = weedb.mysql
        root = %(WEEWX_ROOT)s
        database_name = archive/weewx.sdb
        driver = weedb.sqlite

        host = localhost
        user = weewx
        password = weewx
        database_name = weewx
        driver = weedb.mysql

        prep_services = \
        process_services = \
          weewx.wxengine.StdConvert, \
          weewx.wxengine.StdCalibrate, \

        archive_services = \
        restful_services = \
          weewx.restx.StdStationRegistry, \
          weewx.restx.StdWunderground, \
          weewx.restx.StdPWSweather, \
          weewx.restx.StdCWOP, \
          weewx.restx.StdWOW, \
        report_services = \
          weewx.wxengine.StdPrint, \
        prep_services = \
        process_services = \
          weewx.engine.StdConvert, \
          weewx.engine.StdCalibrate, \
          weewx.engine.StdQC, \
        archive_services = \
        restful_services = \
          weewx.restx.StdStationRegistry, \
          weewx.restx.StdWunderground, \
          weewx.restx.StdPWSweather, \
          weewx.restx.StdCWOP, \
          weewx.restx.StdWOW, \
        report_services = \
          weewx.engine.StdPrint, \

Custom data sources in skins

The mechanism for specifying non-default data sources in skins has changed. If you modified the Standard skin, or created or used other skins that draw data from a database other than the weather database, you must change how the other sources are specified.

For example, in the cmon extension:

2.7 3.0
            archive_database = cmon_sqlite
            data_binding = cmon_binding


Many skins will work in v3 with no modification required. However, every search list extension will have to be upgraded, every restful extension must be upgraded, and some other services must be upgraded.

There is no automated upgrade system for extensions; if an extension must be upgraded, you must do it manually. If the extension has any python code, this will mean replacing any v2-compatible code with v3-compatible code. In some cases parts of the configuration file weewx.conf must be modified.

For example, to update the pmon extension, replace bin/user/ with the v3-compatible and modify weewx.conf as shown in this table:

2.7 3.0
    database = pmon_sqlite
    data_binding = pmon_binding
          database = pmon_sqlite
          manager = weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager
          table_name = archive
          schema = user.pmon.schema
        root = %(WEEWX_ROOT)s
        database = archive/pmon.sdb
        driver = weedb.sqlite
        root = %(WEEWX_ROOT)s
        database_name = archive/pmon.sdb
        driver = weedb.sqlite

For other extensions, see the extension's documentation or contact the author of the extension.

Search list extensions

The introduction of data bindings has meant a change in the calling signature of search list extensions. By way of example, here's the example from the document Writing search list extensions, but with the differences highlighted.

2.7 3.0
def get_extension(self, timespan, archivedb, statsdb):

      all_stats = TimeSpanStats(
      week_dt = - \
      week_ts = time.mktime(week_dt.timetuple())
      seven_day_stats = TimeSpanStats(
          TimeSpan(week_ts, timespan.stop),

      search_list_extension = {'alltime'   : all_stats,
          'seven_day' : seven_day_stats}

      return search_list_extension
def get_extension_list(self, timespan, db_lookup):

      all_stats = TimespanBinder(
      week_dt = - \
      week_ts = time.mktime(week_dt.timetuple())
      seven_day_stats = TimespanBinder(
          TimeSpan(week_ts, timespan.stop),

      search_list_extension = {'alltime'   : all_stats,
          'seven_day' : seven_day_stats}

      return [search_list_extension]

A few things to note:

  • The name of the extension function has changed from get_extension to get_extension_list.
  • The calling signature has changed. Instead of an archive database and a stats database being passed in, a single database lookup function is passed in.
  • The name of the top-level class in the tag chain has changed from TimeSpanStats to TimespanBinder. See the Customizing Guide for details.
  • Instead of returning a single search list extension, the function should now return a Python list of extensions. The list will be searched in order.

Derived quantities

Some calculations that were done in drivers or in hardware are now done consistently by the new StdWXCalculate service. Drivers should no longer calculate derived quantities such as windchill, heatindex, dewpoint, or rain rate.

Driver APIs

The base class for drivers has been renamed, and new, optional, methods have been defined to provide hooks for configuring hardware and producing default and upgraded configuration stanzas.

These changes affect only those who have written custom drivers.

2.7 3.0
import weewx.abstractstation

    class ACME960(weewx.abstractstation.AbstractStation):
import weewx.drivers

    class ACME960(weewx.drivers.AbstractDevice):

Service APIs

The base class for services has moved.

This affects only those who have written custom services.

2.7 3.0
import weewx.wxengine

    class BetterMousetrapService(weewx.wxengine.StdService):
import weewx.engine

    class BetterMousetrapService(weewx.engine.StdService):


Some of the methods internal to RESTful services have changed, specifically those that relate to getting configuration options from weewx.conf and configuring databases.

This affects only those who have written custom RESTful services.

Here is an example of obtaining the database dictionary for use in the RESTful service thread.

2.7 3.0
site_dict = weewx.restx.get_dict(config_dict, 'Uploader')
    db_name = config_dict['StdArchive']['archive_database']
    db_dict = config_dict['Databases'][db_name]
    site_dict.setdefault('database_dict', db_dict)
site_dict = config_dict['StdRESTful']['Uploader']
    site_dict = accumulateLeaves(site_dict, max_level=1)
    manager_dict = weewx.manager.open_manager_with_config(
    config_dict, 'wx_binding')

Database APIs

The methods for obtaining, opening, and querying databases have changed. This affects only those who have written code that accesses databases.

The class Manager and its subclasses have replaced the old Archive class. The table name is no longer hard-coded, so developers should use the table name from the database binding. There is no longer a separate StatsDb class, its functions having been subsumed into the Manager class and its subclasses.

A new class DBBinder is the preferred way of getting a Manager class, as it will automatically take care of instantiating the right class, as well as caching instances of Manager. An instance of DBBinder is held by the engine as attribute db_binder. Here's an example of making a simple query.

2.7 3.0
db = config_dict['StdArchive']['archive_database']
self.database_dict = config_dict['Databases'][db]
with as archive:
    val = archive.getSql("SELECT AVG(windSpeed) FROM archive"
        " WHERE dateTime>? AND dateTime<=?",
        (start_ts, end_ts))
with self.engine.db_binder.get_manager('wx_binding') as mgr:
    val = mgr.getSql("SELECT AVG(windSpeed) FROM %s"
        " WHERE dateTime>? AND dateTime<=?" %
        mgr.table_name, (start_ts, end_ts))

Generator APIs

The base class for report generators has changed. The old class CachedReportGenerator no longer exists; its functionality has been replaced by an instance of DBBinder, held by the generator superclass. This affects only those who have written customer generators.

Here's an example:

2.7 3.0
class GaugeGenerator(weewx.reportengine.CachedReportGenerator)
    def run(self):
        archive_name = self.config_dict['GaugeGenerator']['archive_name']
        archive = self._getArchive(archive_name)
        results = archive.getSql(...)
class GaugeGenerator(weewx.reportengine.ReportGenerator)
    def run(self):
        mgr = self.generator.db_binder.get_manager()
        results = mgr.getSql(...)

Extension installer

The utility is now included in the installation; it is no longer necessary to keep a copy of the WeeWX source tree just for the utility.

For .deb and .rpm installations, the command wee_setup is a symlink to

The options for installing extensions changed slightly to be more consistent with the rest of the options to

2.7 3.0 --extension --install extensions/basic --extension --install basic.tar.gz --extension --uninstall basic --extension --list --extension --install basic.tar.gz --dryrun install --extension extensions/basic install --extension basic.tar.gz uninstall --extension basic list-extensions install --extension basic.tar.gz --dry-run

Upgrading to V2.7

Version 2.7 is backwards compatible with earlier versions with one minor exception.

It now includes the ability to localize the WeeWX and server uptimes. Previously, the labels days, hours, and minutes were hardcoded in a Python utility. There was no way of changing them. Now, like any other labels, they are taken from the skin configuration file, skin.conf, section [[Labels]]. Older configuration files had a definition for hour, but none for day, and minute. Also, the old definition for hour used an abbreviation hrs instead of hours.

If you do nothing, your WeeWX and station uptimes will look like:

Weewx uptime:  1 day, 1 hrs, 41 minutes
Server uptime: 2 days, 10 hrs, 22 minutes

Note how the label for hours is abbreviated and always uses the plural. If you want the previous behavior, or if you want to localize the labels, you should update your skin configuration file. Remove the old entries for hour and second and replace them with:

day               = " day",    " days"
hour              = " hour",   " hours"
minute            = " minute", " minutes"
second            = " second", " seconds"

The first item is the singular spelling, the second the plural. This will result in the desired

Weewx uptime:  1 day, 1 hour, 41 minutes
Server uptime: 2 days, 10 hours, 22 minutes

Upgrading to V2.6

Version 2.6 is backwards compatible with earlier versions, with a couple of small exceptions.

  • If you have written a custom WeeWX service, the install routine will try to insert its name into an appropriate place in one of the five new lists of services to be run. You should check section [Engines][[WxEngine]] to make sure it made a reasonable guess.
  • If you have written a custom RESTful service, the architecture for these services has completely changed. They are now first class services, and are treated like any other WeeWX service. There are some guides to writing RESTful services using the new architecture at the top of the file bin/weewx/ I can also help you with the transition.
  • Option interval in the CWOP configuration section has become option post_interval. This change should be done automatically by the install routine.
  • The mechanism for specifying RESTful services has changed. To activate a RESTful service, put the driver in the restful_services list in [Engines][[WxEngine]]. The driver parameter is no longer necessary in the RESTful service's configuration stanza. These changes should be done automatically by the install routine.

Upgrading to V2.4

The option time_length will now be the exact length of the resultant plot. Before, a plot with time_length equal to 24 hours would result in a plot of 27 hours, now it's 24 hours. If you want the old behavior, set it equal to 27 hours. To do this, change your section in skin.conf from

  x_label_format = %H:%M
  bottom_label_format = %m/%d/%y %H:%M
  time_length = 86400 # == 24 hours


  x_label_format = %H:%M
  bottom_label_format = %m/%d/%y %H:%M
  time_length = 97200 # == 27 hours

The service StdTimeSync now synchronizes the console's onboard clock on startup. This is nice because if the clock failed, perhaps because the battery was taken out, the time is corrected first before data is downloaded from the logger's memory. To take advantage of this, you can move service StdTimeSync to the front of the list of services to be run. For example:

  # The list of services the main weewx engine should run:
  service_list = weewx.wxengine.StdTimeSynch, weewx.wxengine.StdConvert,
  weewx.wxengine.StdCalibrate, weewx.wxengine.StdQC, weewx.wxengine.StdArchive, weewx.wxengine.StdPrint,
  weewx.wxengine.StdRESTful, weewx.wxengine.StdReport

Upgrading to V2.3

The signature of the function "loader", used to return an instance of the station device driver, has changed slightly. It has changed from



loader(config_dict, engine)

That is, a second parameter, engine, has been added. This is a reference to the WeeWX engine.

This change will affect only those who have written their own device driver.

Upgrading to V2.2

Version 2.2 introduces a schema, found in bin/user/, for the stats database. This schema is used only when initially creating the database. If you have a specialized stats database, that is, one that saves types other than the default that comes with WeeWX, you should edit this file to reflect your changes before attempting to rebuild the database.

Upgrading to V2.0

Version 2.0 introduces many new features, including a revamped internal engine. There are two changes that are not backwards compatible:

  • The configuration file, weewx.conf. When upgrading from V1.X, the setup utility will install a new, fresh copy of weewx.conf, which you will then have to edit by hand. Thereafter, V2.X upgrades should be automatic.
  • Custom services. If you have written a custom service, it will have to be updated to use the new engine. The overall architecture is very similar, except that functions must be bound to events, rather than get called implicitly. See the sections Customizing a Service and Adding a Service in the Customization Guide for details on how to do this.

All skins should be completely backwards compatible, so you should not have to change your templates or skin configuration file, skin.conf.

If you have written a custom report generator it should also be backwards compatible.

Upgrading to V1.14

Version 1.14 introduces some new webpages that have been expressly formatted for the smartphone by using jQuery.

The skins shipped with the distribution take advantage of these features. If you do nothing, your old skins will continue to work, but you will not be taking advantage of these new webpages.

If you want them, then you have two choices:

  1. Rename your old skin directory (call it "skins.old") then do the install. This will install the new skin distribution. You can then modify it to reflect any changes you have made, referring to skins.old for guidance. If you have not changed many things, this approach will be the easiest.
  2. Alternatively, change the contents of your existing skin directory to include the new webpages. If you take this approach, you will need to copy over the contents of the subdirectory skins/Standard/smartphone from the distribution into your skins/Standard directory. You will then need to modify your skin.conf.

    After the section that looks like

          template = mobile.html.tmpl

    add the following directives:

          template = smartphone/index.html.tmpl
          template = smartphone/temp_outside.html.tmpl
          template = smartphone/rain.html.tmpl
          template = smartphone/barometer.html.tmpl
          template = smartphone/wind.html.tmpl
          template = smartphone/radar.html.tmpl

    Then modify section [CopyGenerator] to add the highlighted files:

          # This section is used by the generator CopyGenerator
          # List of files that are to be copied at the first invocation of the generator only
          copy_once = backgrounds/*, weewx.css, mobile.css, favicon.ico, smartphone/icons/*, smartphone/custom.js

Whichever approach you chose, the generated files will appear in public_html/smartphone. The start of the document root will be at public_html/smartphone/index.html. You may want to add a link to this in the template for your main index page skins/Standard/index.html.tmpl.

Upgrading to V1.13

Version 1.13 changed the way binding happens to the databases used in reports so that it happens much later. The upshot is that the signature of a few functions changed. Most you are unlikely to encounter. The exception is if you have written custom template search lists, as described in the Customizing weewx guide. This section has been updated to reflect the new function signatures. As a side effect, the illustrated example actually has become much simpler!

No changes to skins.

Upgrading to V1.10

Version 1.10 introduced several new features.

New almanac features, icon, and mobile template

Version 1.10 introduces some extra almanac features, such as the azimuth and elevation of the sun and moon, or when the next solstice will be. It also includes a template formatted for smartphones, as well as an icon ("favicon.ico") that displays in your browser toolbar. The skins shipped with the distribution take advantage of these features. If you do nothing, your old skins will continue to work, but you will not take advantage of these new features.

If you want these new features then you have two choices:

  1. Rename your old skin directory (call it "skin.old") then do the install. This will install the new skin distribution. You can modify it to reflect any changes you have made, referring to skin.old for guidance.
  2. Alternatively, change the contents of your existing skin directory to take advantage of the new features. If you take this approach, you will need to copy over files favicon.ico, mobile.css, and mobile.html.tmpl from the distribution into your skin/Standard directory. Modify skins/Standard/index.html.tmpl to take advantage of the new almanac features, using the version shipped with the distribution for guidance. You will then need to modify your skin.conf.

    Add a new [[[Mobile]]] section:

              template = mobile.html.tmpl

    Then add mobile.css and favicon.ico to the list of files to be copied on report generation:

          copy_once = backgrounds/*, weewx.css, mobile.css, favicon.ico

Which approach you should take will depend on how extensively you have modified the stock skin distribution. If the modifications are slight, approach #1 will be easier, otherwise use approach #2.

Backwards compatibility

With the introduction of explicit control of output units in the templates such as


the calling signature of the following two Python classes was changed

  • weewx.stats.TaggedStats
  • weewx.stats.TimeSpanStats

The example of writing a custom generator MyFileGenerator (which produced "all time" statistics) has been changed to reflect the new signatures.

This will only affect you if you have written a custom generator.

Upgrading to V1.8

With the introduction of a standard archiving service, StdArchive, the names of some events have changed. This will not affect you unless you have written a custom service.

Upgrading to V1.7

V1.7 introduces skins. The skins live in subdirectory skins. They are not compatible with the old template subdirectory --- you can't simply rename templates to skins.

The part of the configuration file dealing with the presentation layer has been split off into a separate file skin.conf. Hence, once again, the installation script will NOT merge your old weewx.conf configuration file into the new one. You will have to re-edit weewx.conf to put in your customizations. You may also have to edit skin.conf for whatever skin you choose (right now, only one skin, Standard, comes with the distribution).

However, a reinstall of V1.7 will merge your changes for weewx.conf. It will also merge any changes you have made to skin.conf as well.

Please check the following:

  • Option "altitude" in section [Station] now takes a unit. Hence, it should look something like:
    altitude = 120, meter
  • In a similar manner, options heating_base and cooling_base in skin.conf also take units:
    heating_base = 65, degree_F
    cooling_base = 65, degree_F

The directory 'templates' is no longer used; it has been replaced with directory 'skins'. You may delete it if you wish:

rm -r templates

Upgrading to V1.5

Because the configuration file weewx.conf changed significantly going from V1.4 to V1.5, the installation script will NOT merge your old configuration file into the new one. You will have to re-edit weewx.conf to put in your customizations.

Upgrading to V1.4

Option clock_check, previously found in the [VantagePro] section, is now found in the [Station] section. The install program will put a default value in the new place, but it will not delete nor move your old value over. If you have changed this value or if you cannot stand the thought of clock_check appearing in two different places, you should delete the old one found under [VantagePro] and make sure the new value, found under [Station] is correct.

Two Python files are no longer used, so they may be deleted from your installation if you wish:

rm bin/weewx/
rm bin/weewx/

In addition, file readme.htm has been moved to subdirectory docs, so the old one can be deleted:

rm readme.htm