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This section contains the options for the Cheetah generator. It applies to skin.conf only.


This is the list of search list objects that will be scanned by the template engine, looking for tags. See the section Defining new tags and the Cheetah documentation for details on search lists. If no search_list is specified, a default list will be used.


This defines one or more search list objects that will be appended to the search_list. For example, if you are using the "seven day" and "forecast" search list extensions, the option would look like

search_list_extensions = user.seven_day.SevenDay, user.forecast.ForecastVariables


As Cheetah goes through the template, it substitutes strings for all tag values. This option controls which encoding to use for the new strings. The encoding can be chosen on a per-file basis. All the encodings listed in the Python documentation Standard Encodings are available, as well as these WeeWX-specific encodings:

Encoding Comments
html_entities Non 7-bit characters will be represented as HTML entities (e.g., the degree sign will be represented as "°")
strict_ascii Non 7-bit characters will be ignored.
normalized_ascii Replace accented characters with non-accented analogs (e.g., 'ö' will be replaced with 'o').

The encoding html_entities is the default. Other common choices are utf8, cp1252 (a.k.a. Windows-1252), and latin1.


The name of a template file. A template filename must end with .tmpl. Filenames are case-sensitive. If the template filename has the letters YYYY, MM, WW or DD in its name, these will be substituted for the year, month, week and day of month, respectively. So, a template with the name summary-YYYY-MM.html.tmpl would have name summary-2010-03.html for the month of March 2010.


When set to True, the template is processed only on the first invocation of the report engine service. This feature is useful for files that do not change when data values change, such as HTML files that define a layout. The default is False.


File staleness age, in seconds. If the file is older than this age it will be generated from the template. If no stale_age is specified, then the file will be generated every time the generator runs.


Precise control over when a run is available through use of the report_timing option. The report_timing option uses a CRON-like syntax to specify precisely when a report should be run. See the guide Scheduling report generation for details.


The SummaryByDay section defines some special behavior. Each template in this section will be used multiple times, each time with a different per-day timespan. Be sure to include YYYY, MM, and DD in the filename of any template in this section.


The SummaryByMonth section defines some special behavior. Each template in this section will be used multiple times, each time with a different per-month timespan. Be sure to include YYYY and MM in the filename of any template in this section.


The SummaryByYear section defines some special behavior. Each template in this section will be used multiple times, each time with a different per-year timespan. Be sure to include YYYY in the filename of any template in this section.