WeeWX communicates with a USB transceiver, which communicates with the station console, which in turn communicates with the sensors. The transceiver and console must be paired and synchronized.
The sensors send data at different rates:
sensor | period |
Wind | 17 seconds |
T/H | 13 seconds |
Rain | 19 seconds |
Pressure | 15 seconds |
The wind and rain sensors transmit to the temperature/humidity device, then the temperature/humidity device retransmits to the weather station console. Pressure is measured by a sensor in the console.
The station has 1797 history records. That is just over 6 days of data with an archive interval of 5 minutes.
When WeeWX starts up it will attempt to download all records from the console since the last record in the archive database.
The WS28xx driver sets the station archive interval to 5 minutes.
The WS28xx driver does not support hardware archive record generation.
The console and transceiver must be paired. Pairing ensures that your transceiver is talking to your console, not your neighbor's console. Pairing should only have to be done once, although you might have to pair again after power cycling the console, for example after you replace the batteries.
There are two ways to pair the console and the transceiver:
The WeeWX way. Be sure that WeeWX is not running. Run the configuration utility, press and hold the [v] button on the console until you see 'PC' in the display, then release the button. If the console pairs with the transceiver, 'PC' will go away within a second or two.
weectl device --pair Pairing transceiver with console... Press and hold the [v] key until "PC" appears (attempt 1 of 3) Transceiver is paired to console
The HeavyWeather way. Follow the pairing instructions that came with the station. You will have to run HeavyWeather on a Windows computer with the USB transceiver. After HeavyWeather indicates the devices are paired, put the USB transceiver in your WeeWX computer and start WeeWX. Do not power cycle the station console, or you will have to start over.
If the console does not pair, you will see messages in the log such as this:
ws28xx: RFComm: message from console contains unknown device ID (id=165a resp=80 req=6)
Either approach to pairing may require multiple attempts.
After pairing, the transceiver and console must be synchronized in order to communicate. Synchronization will happen automatically at the top of each hour, or you can force synchronization by pressing the [SET] button momentarily. Do not press and hold the [SET] button — that modifies the console alarms.
When the transceiver and console are synchronized, you will see lots of
ws28xx: RFComm
messages in the log when debug=1
. When the devices are
not synchronized, you will see messages like this about every 10 minutes:
Nov 7 19:12:17 raspi weewx[2335]: ws28xx: MainThread: no contact with console
If you see this, or if you see an extended gap in the weather data in the WeeWX plots, press momentarily the [SET] button, or wait until the top of the hour.
When the transceiver has not received new data for awhile, you will see messages like this in the log:
Nov 7 19:12:17 raspi weewx[2335]: ws28xx: MainThread: no new weather data
If you see 'no new weather data' messages with the 'no contact with console' messages, it simply means that the transceiver has not been able to synchronize with the console. If you see only the 'no new weather data' messages, then the sensors are not communicating with the console, or the console may be defective.
When an alarm goes off, communication with the transceiver stops. The WS28xx driver clears all alarms in the station. It is better to create alarms in WeeWX, and the WeeWX alarms can do much more than the console alarms anyway.
Configuring with weectl device
The WS28xx stations can be configured with the utility
weectl device
Make sure you stop weewxd
before running weectl device
Invoking weectl device
with the --help
weectl device --help
will produce something like this:
WS28xx driver version 0.33
Usage: weectl device [config_file] [options] [--debug] [--help]
Configuration utility for weewx devices.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug display diagnostic information while running
-y answer yes to every prompt
--check-transceiver check USB transceiver
--pair pair the USB transceiver with station console
--info display weather station configuration
--set-interval=N set logging interval to N minutes
--current get the current weather conditions
--history=N display N history records
--history-since=N display history records since N minutes ago
--maxtries=MAXTRIES maximum number of retries, 0 indicates no max
Mutating actions will request confirmation before proceeding.
The console and transceiver must be paired. This can be done either by using this command, or by running the program HeavyWeather on a Windows PC.
Be sure that WeeWX is not running. Run the command:
weectl device --pair
Pairing transceiver with console...
Press and hold the [v] key until "PC" appears (attempt 1 of 3)
Transceiver is paired to console
Press and hold the [v] button on the console until you see 'PC' in the display, then release the button. If the console pairs with the transceiver, 'PC' will go away within a second or two.
If the console does not pair, you will see messages in the log such as this:
ws28xx: RFComm: message from console contains unknown device ID (id=165a resp=80 req=6)
Pairing may require multiple attempts.
After pairing, the transceiver and console must be synchronized in order to communicate. This should happen automatically.
Display the station settings with the --info
weectl device --info
This will result in something like:
alarm_flags_other: 0
alarm_flags_wind_dir: 0
checksum_in: 1327
checksum_out: 1327
format_clock: 1
format_pressure: 0
format_rain: 1
format_temperature: 0
format_windspeed: 4
history_interval: 1
indoor_humidity_max: 70
indoor_humidity_max_time: None
indoor_humidity_min: 45
indoor_humidity_min_time: None
indoor_temp_max: 40.0
indoor_temp_max_time: None
indoor_temp_min: 0.0
indoor_temp_min_time: None
lcd_contrast: 4
low_battery_flags: 0
outdoor_humidity_max: 70
outdoor_humidity_max_time: None
outdoor_humidity_min: 45
outdoor_humidity_min_time: None
outdoor_temp_max: 40.0
outdoor_temp_max_time: None
outdoor_temp_min: 0.0
outdoor_temp_min_time: None
pressure_max: 1040.0
pressure_max_time: None
pressure_min: 960.0
pressure_min_time: None
rain_24h_max: 50.0
rain_24h_max_time: None
threshold_storm: 5
threshold_weather: 3
wind_gust_max: 12.874765625
wind_gust_max_time: None
Station data¶
The following table shows which data are provided by the station hardware and which are calculated by WeeWX.
Database Field | Observation | Loop | Archive |
barometer | S | S | |
pressure | pressure | H | H |
altimeter | S | S | |
inTemp | temperature_in | H | H |
outTemp | temperature_out | H | H |
inHumidity | humidity_in | H | H |
outHumidity | humidity_out | H | H |
windSpeed | wind_speed | H | H |
windDir | wind_dir | H | H |
windGust | wind_gust | H | H |
windGustDir | wind_gust_dir | H | H |
rain | rain | D | D |
rain_total | H | H | |
rainRate | rain_rate | H | |
dewpoint | S | S | |
windchill | windchill | H | H |
heatindex | heatindex | H | H |
rxCheckPercent | rssi | H | |
windBatteryStatus | wind_battery_status | H | |
rainBatteryStatus | rain_battery_status | H | |
outTempBatteryStatus | battery_status_out | H | |
inTempBatteryStatus | battery_status_in | H |
H indicates data provided by Hardware
D indicates data calculated by the Driver
S indicates data calculated by the StdWXCalculate Service