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Customizing reports

There are two general mechanisms for customizing reports: change options in one or more configuration files, or change the template files. The former is generally easier, but occasionally the latter is necessary.

How to specify options

Options are used to control how reports will look and what they will contain. For example, they determine which units to use, how to format dates and times, which data should be in each plot, the colors of plot elements, etc.

Options are read from three different types of configuration files:

Configuration files
File Use
weewx.conf This is the application configuration file. It contains general configuration information, such which drivers and services to load, as well as which reports to run. Report options can also be specified in this file.
skin.conf This is the skin configuration file. It contains information specific to a skin, in particular, which template files to process, and which plots to generate. Typically, this file is supplied by the skin author.
These are internationalization files. They contain language and locale information for a specific skin.

Configuration files are read and processed using the Python utility ConfigObj, using a format similar to the MS-DOS "INI" format. Here's a simple example:

    # A comment
    key1 = value1
        key2 = value2

This example uses two sections at root level (sections Section1 and Section2), and one subsection (SubSectionA), which is nested under Section1. The option key1 is nested under Section1, option key3 is nested under Section2, while option key2 is nested under subsection SubSectionA.

Note that while this example indents subsections and options, this is strictly for readability — this isn't Python! It's the number of brackets that counts in determining nesting, not the indentation! It would torture your readers, but the above example could be written

# A comment
key1 = value1
key2 = value2

Configuration files take advantage of ConfigObj's ability to organize options hierarchically into stanzas. For example, the [Labels] stanza contains the text that should be displayed for each observation. The [Units] stanza contains other stanzas, each of which contains parameters that control the display of units.

Processing order

Configuration files and their sections are processed in a specific order. Generally, the values from the skin configuration file (skin.conf) are processed first, then options in the WeeWX configuration file (nominally weewx.conf) are applied last. This order allows skin authors to specify the basic look and feel of a report, while ensuring that users of the skin have the final say.

To illustrate the processing order, here are the steps for the skin Seasons:

  • First, a set of options defined in the Python module weewx.defaults serve as the starting point.

  • Next, options from the configuration file for Seasons, located in skins/Seasons/skin.conf, are merged.

  • Next, any options that apply to all skins, specified in the [StdReport] / [[Defaults]] section of the WeeWX configuration file, are merged.

  • Finally, any skin-specific options, specified in the [StdReport] / [[Seasons]] section of the WeeWX configuration, are merged. These options have the final say.

At all four steps, if a language specification is encountered (option lang), then the corresponding language file will be read and merged. If a unit specification (option unit_system) is encountered, then the appropriate unit groups are set. For example, if unit_system=metricwx, then the unit for group_pressure will be set to mbar, etc.

The result is the following option hierarchy, listed in order of increasing precedence.

Option hierarchy, lowest to highest
File Example Comments
weewx/ [Units]
    mbar=" mbar"
These are the hard-coded default values for every option. They are used when an option is not specified anywhere else. These should not be modified unless you propose a change to the WeeWX code; any changes made here will be lost when the software is updated.
skin.conf [Units]
    mbar=" hPa"
Supplied by the skin author, the skin configuration file, skin.conf, contains options that define the baseline behavior of the skin. In this example, for whatever reason, the skin author has decided that the label for units in millibars should be " hPa" (which is equivalent).
weewx.conf [StdReport]
Options specified under [[Defaults]] apply to all reports. This example indicates that the label Rainfall should be used for the observation rain, in all reports.
weewx.conf [StdReport]
        inTemp=Kitchen temperature
Highest precedence. Has the final say. Options specified here apply to a single report. This example indicates that the label Kitchen temperature should be used for the observation inTemp, but only for the report SeasonsReport.


When specifying options, you must pay attention to the number of brackets! In the table above, there are two different nesting depths used: one for weewx.conf, and one for weewx/ and skin.conf. This is because the stanzas defined in weewx.conf start two levels down in the hierarchy [StdReport], whereas the stanzas defined in skin.conf and are at the root level. Therefore, options specified in weewx.conf must use two extra sets of brackets.

Other skins are processed in a similar manner although, of course, their name will be something other than Seasons.

Although it is possible to modify the options at any level, as the user of a skin, it is usually best to keep your modifications in the WeeWX configuration file (weewx.conf) if you can. That way you can apply any fixes or changes when the skin author updates the skin, and your customizations will not be overwritten.

If you are a skin author, then you should provide the skin configuration file (skin.conf), and put in it only the options necessary to make the skin render the way you intend it. Any options that are likely to be localized for a specific language (in particular, text), should be put in the appropriate language file.

Changing languages

By default, the skins that come with WeeWX are set up for the English language, but suppose you wish to switch to another language? This is usually easy because all the WeeWX skins have been internationalized. For other skins that have not been internationalized, see the section How to internationalize a skin.

There are two aspects to localizing a skin:

  1. Changing the language; and
  2. Changing the locale.

In WeeWX, both are controlled by option lang.

The language is the more familiar aspect. It controls what the user will see for labels such as "Outside temperature", or "Max wind speed."

The locale is less familiar. It has to be with regional conventions for aspects such as decimal separators, or how dates and times are formatted.


To switch languages, start by checking whether there is a language file for your particular language. To do this, look in the contents of subdirectory lang in the skin's subdirectory. For example, if you used a package installer and are using the Seasons skin, you will want to look in /etc/weewx/skins/Seasons/lang. If you did a pip install, look in ~/weewx-data/skins/Seasons/lang. Inside, you will see something like this:

ls -l /etc/weewx/skins/Seasons/lang
total 136
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  9.6K Jan 17 07:30 cz.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  9.5K Jan 17 07:30 de.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  9.2K Jan 17 07:30 en.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  672B Jan 22 07:23 en_AU.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  672B Jan 22 07:23 en_CA.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  672B Jan 22 07:20 en_GB.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  672B Jan 22 07:23 en_NZ.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx   10K Jan 17 07:30 es.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx   10K Jan 17 07:30 fr.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx   12K Jan 17 07:30 gr.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  9.7K Jan 17 07:30 it.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  9.3K Jan 17 07:30 nl.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx   10K Jan 22 04:53 no.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx   15K Jan 17 07:30 th.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  9.1K Jan 22 05:55 zh.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 weewx weewx  9.5K Jan 22 05:55 zh_CN.conf

The file names start with either a two-letter code (for example, en), or a four-letter code separated by an underscore (e.g., en_GB). The first two letters (en in this case) signify the base language. The last two letters, if present, signify any specialized text for a specific country (GB, or Great Britain, in this case).

Given this, from the file listing above, this means that the Seasons skin includes text files for the following languages:

File Language
cz.conf Czeck
de.conf German
en.conf English
en_AU.conf English (Australia)
en_CA.conf English (Canada)
en_GB.conf English (Great Britain)
en_NZ.conf English (New Zealand)
es.conf Spanish
fr.conf French
it.conf Italian
gr.conf Greek
nl.conf Dutch
th.conf Thai
zh.conf Chinese (Traditional)
zh_CN.conf Simplified Chinese

If you want to use the Seasons skin and are working with one of these languages, then you are in luck: you can simply override the lang option. For example, to change the language displayed by the Seasons skin from English to German, edit weewx.conf, and change the highlighted line:

        # The SeasonsReport uses the 'Seasons' skin, which contains the
        # images, templates and plots for the report.
        skin = Seasons
        enable = true
        lang = de

By contrast, if the skin has been internationalized, but there is no localization file for your language, then you will have to supply one. See the section Internationalized, but your language is missing.


A locale controls conventions such as decimal separators and the formatting of dates. To change locale, you have two choices:

  1. Change it for all programs, not just WeeWX, by using the command localectl set-locale. For example,

    localectl set-locale LANG=de_DE.utf8

    would change the locale to German system-wide.

  2. Change it by using the option lang in WeeWX. We saw above how option lang can be used to change the language. However, if a full locale spec is given for the option, instead of just the language, WeeWX will change the locale as well. For example,

            # The SeasonsReport uses the 'Seasons' skin, which contains the
            # images, templates and plots for the report.
            skin = Seasons
            enable = true
            lang = de_DE.utf8

will not only change the language to German, but will also change the locale as well. In particular, the report will use the comma (,) for the decimal separator, and German dates.

Multiple locales

This last feature allows different reports to use different locales. Consider this example:

        skin = Seasons
        enable = true
        lang = en_US.utf8
        HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/us
        skin = Seasons
        enable = true
        lang = fr_FR.utf8
        HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/fr

This will run two reports, both using the skin Seasons. The first report will use US English and locale, and will be put the results in /var/www/html/us. The second will the French language and locale and will be put in /var/www/html/fr.

Changing date and time formats

Date and time formats are specified using the same format strings used by strftime(). For example, %Y indicates the 4-digit year, and %H:%M indicates the time in hours:minutes. The default values for date and time formats are generally %x %X, which indicates "use the format for the current locale".

Since date formats default to the locale of the computer, a date might appear with the format of "month/day/year". What if you prefer dates to have the format ""? How do you indicate 24-hour time format versus 12-hour?

Dates and times generally appear in two places: in plots and in tags.

Date and time formats in images

Most plots have a label on the horizontal axis that indicates when the plot was generated. By default, the format for this label uses the locale of the computer on which WeeWX is running, but you can modify the format by specifying the option bottom_label_format.

For example, this would result in a date/time string such as "2021.12.13 12:45" no matter what the computer's locale:

                bottom_label_format = %Y.%m.%d %H:%M
                bottom_label_format = %Y.%m.%d %H:%M
                bottom_label_format = %Y.%m.%d %H:%M
                bottom_label_format = %Y.%m.%d %H:%M

Date and time formats for tags

Each aggregation period has a format for the times associated with that period. These formats are defined in the TimeFormats section. The default formats use the date and/or time for the computer of the locale on which WeeWX is running.

For example, this would result in a date/time string such as "2021.12.13 12:45" no matter what the computer's locale:

                hour        = %H:%M
                day         = %Y.%m.%d
                week        = %Y.%m.%d (%A)
                month       = %Y.%m.%d %H:%M
                year        = %Y.%m.%d %H:%M
                rainyear    = %Y.%m.%d %H:%M
                current     = %Y.%m.%d %H:%M
                ephem_day   = %H:%M
                ephem_year  = %Y.%m.%d %H:%M

Changing unit systems

Each unit system is a set of units. For example, the METRIC unit system uses centimeters for rain, kilometers per hour for wind speed, and degree Celsius for temperature. The option unit_system controls which unit system will be used in your reports. The available choices are US, METRIC, or METRICWX. The option is case-insensitive. See Units for the units defined in each of these unit systems.

By default, WeeWX uses US (US Customary) system. Suppose you would rather use the METRICWX system for all your reports? Then change this


        # Which unit system to use for all reports. Choices are 'us', 'metric', or 'metricwx'.
        # You can override this for individual reports.
        unit_system = us

to this


        # Which unit system to use for all reports. Choices are 'us', 'metric', or 'metricwx'.
        # You can override this for individual reports.
        unit_system = metricwx

Mixed units

However, what if you want a mix? For example, suppose you generally want US Customary units, but you want barometric pressures to be in millibars? This can be done by overriding the appropriate unit group.


        # Which unit system to use for all reports. Choices are 'us', 'metric', or 'metricwx'.
        # You can override this for individual reports.
        unit_system = us

        # Override the units used for pressure:
                group_pressure = mbar

This says that you generally want the US systems of units for all reports, but want pressure to be reported in millibars. Other units can be overridden in a similar manner.

Multiple unit systems

Another example. Suppose we want to generate two reports, one in the US system, the other using the METRICWX system. The first, call it SeasonsUSReport, will go in the regular directory HTML_ROOT. However, the latter, call it SeasonsMetricReport, will go in a subdirectory, HTML_ROOT/metric. Here's how you would do it


    # Where the skins reside, relative to WEEWX_ROOT
    SKIN_ROOT = skins

    # Where the generated reports should go, relative to WEEWX_ROOT
    HTML_ROOT = public_html

    # The database binding indicates which data should be used in reports.
    data_binding = wx_binding

        skin = Seasons
        unit_system = us
        enable = true

        skin = Seasons
        unit_system = metricwx
        HTML_ROOT = public_html/metric
        enable = true

Note how both reports use the same skin (that is, skin Seasons), but different unit systems, and different destinations. The first, SeasonsUSReport sets option unit_system to us, and uses the default destination. By contrast, the second, SeasonsMetricReport, uses unit system metricwx, and a different destination, public_html/metric.

Changing labels

Every observation type is associated with a default label. For example, in the English language, the default label for observation type outTemp is generally "Outside Temperature". You can change this label by overriding the default. How you do so will depend on whether the skin you are using has been internationalized and, if so, whether it offers your local language.

Let's look at an example. If you take a look inside the file skins/Seasons/lang/en.conf, you will see it contains what looks like a big configuration file. Among other things, it has two entries that look like this:

        inTemp = Inside Temperature
        outTemp = Outside Temperature

This tells the report generators that when it comes time to label the observation variables inTemp and outTemp, use the strings "Inside Temperature" and "Outside Temperature", respectively.

However, let's say that we have actually located our outside temperature sensor in the barn, and wish to label it accordingly. We need to override the label that comes in the localization file. We could just change the localization file en.conf, but then if the author of the skin came out with a new version, our change could get lost. Better to override the default by making the change in weewx.conf. To do this, make the following changes in weewx.conf:

        # The SeasonsReport uses the 'Seasons' skin, which contains the
        # images, templates and plots for the report.
        skin = Seasons
        lang = en
        unit_system = US
        enable = true
                outTemp = Barn Temperature

This will cause the default label Outside Temperature to be replaced with the new label "Barn Temperature" everywhere in your report. The label for type inTemp will be untouched.