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Running WeeWX during an import session can lead to abnormal termination of the import. If WeeWX must remain running (e.g., so that live data is not lost) run the import session on another machine or to a second database and merge the in-use and second database once the import is complete.

WeatherCat records observational data in formatted text files with a .cat extension with each file containing weather station observations for a single month. These files are accumulated over time with month coded files names organised into year based directories. These files can be considered analogous to the WeeWX archive table. When data is imported from the WeatherCat .cat files each .cat file is considered a 'period'. The import utility processes one period at a time in chronological order (oldest to newest) and provides import summary data on a per period basis.

Mapping data to archive fields

The WeeWX archive fields populated during the import of WeatherCat data depends on the field mapping specified in the [[FieldMap]] stanza in the import configuration file. A given WeeWX field will be populated if:

  • a valid mapping exists for the field,
  • the field exists in the WeeWX archive table schema, and
  • the mapped WeatherCat field contains valid data.

The following WeeWX archive fields will be populated from other settings or configuration options and need not be included in the field map:

  • interval
  • usUnits

The following WeeWX archive fields will be populated with values derived from the imported data provided calc_missing = True is included in the [WeatherCat] section of the import configuration file being used and the field exists in the in-use WeeWX archive table schema:

  • altimeter
  • ET
  • pressure


If calc_missing = False is included in the [WeatherCat] section of the import configuration file being used then all of the above fields will be set to None/null. The calc_missing option default is True.

Step-by-step instructions

To import observations from one or more WeatherCat monthly .cat files:

  1. Ensure the WeatherCat monthly .cat file(s) to be used for the import are located in year directories with the year directories in turn located in a directory accessible by the machine that will run the import utility. For the purposes of the following examples there are nine monthly .cat files covering the period October 2016 to June 2017 inclusive located in the /var/tmp/wcat/2016 and /var/tmp/wcat/2017 directories respectively.

  2. Make a backup of the WeeWX database in case the import should go awry.

  3. Create an import configuration file, the recommended approach is to make a copy of the example WeatherCat import configuration file located in the util/import directory. In this case we will make a copy of the example WeatherCat import configuration file and save it as wcat.conf in the /var/tmp directory:

    cp /home/weewx/www-data/util/import/weathercat-example.conf /var/tmp/wcat.conf
  4. Open wcat.conf and:

    • confirm the source option is set to WeatherCat:

      source = WeatherCat
    • confirm the following options in the [WeatherCat] section are correctly set:

      • directory. The full path to the directory containing the directories containing the WeatherCat monthly .cat files to be used as the source of the imported data.

      • interval. How the WeeWX interval field is derived.

      • qc. Whether quality control checks are performed on the imported data.

      • calc_missing. Whether missing derived observations will be calculated from the imported data.

      • decimal. The decimal point character used in the WeatherCat monthly .cat files.

      • tranche. The number of records written to the WeeWX database in each transaction.

      • UV_sensor. Whether a UV sensor was installed when the source data was produced.

      • solar_sensor. Whether a solar radiation sensor was installed when the source data was produced.

      • [[FieldMap]]. Defines the mapping between imported data fields and WeeWX archive fields.

  5. When first importing data it is prudent to do a dry run import before any data is actually imported. A dry run import will perform all steps of the import without actually writing imported data to the WeeWX database. In addition, consideration should be given to any additional options to be used such as --date.


    Whilst WeatherCat monthly .cat files use a fixed set of fields the inclusion of fields other than t (timestamp) and V (validation) is optional. For this reason the field map used for WeatherCat imports includes fields that may not exist in some WeatherCat monthly .cat files resulting in warnings by the import utility there may be missing data in the import source. These warnings can be extensive and may detract from the ability of the user to monitor the progress of the import. It may be prudent to use the --suppress-warnings option during the initial dry run so the overall progress of the import can be more easily observed.

    To perform a dry run enter the following command:

    weectl import --import-config=/var/tmp/wcat.conf --dry-run --suppress-warnings

    This will result in a short preamble with details on the data source, the destination of the imported data and some other details on how the data will be processed. The import will then be performed but no data will be written to the WeeWX database.

    The output should be similar to:

    Using WeeWX configuration file /home/weewx/www-data/weewx.conf
    Starting weectl import...
    WeatherCat monthly .cat files in the '/var/tmp/wcat' directory will be imported
    Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 'weewx.sdb'
    Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
    Missing derived observations will be calculated.
    This is a dry run, imported data will not be saved to archive.
    Starting dry run import ...
    Records covering multiple periods have been identified for import.
    Period 1 ...
    Unique records processed: 39555; Last timestamp: 2016-10-31 23:59:00 AEST (1477922340)
    Period 2 ...
    Unique records processed: 38284; Last timestamp: 2016-11-30 23:59:00 AEST (1480514340)
    Period 3 ...
    Unique records processed: 39555; Last timestamp: 2016-12-31 23:59:00 AEST (1483192740)
    Period 4 ...
    Unique records processed: 39555; Last timestamp: 2017-01-31 23:59:00 AEST (1485871140)
    Period 5 ...
    Unique records processed: 35598; Last timestamp: 2017-02-28 23:59:00 AEST (1488290340)
    Period 6 ...
    Unique records processed: 39555; Last timestamp: 2017-03-31 23:59:00 AEST (1490968740)
    Period 7 ...
    Unique records processed: 38284; Last timestamp: 2017-04-30 23:59:00 AEST (1493560740)
    Period 8 ...
    Unique records processed: 38284; Last timestamp: 2017-06-30 23:59:00 AEST (1498831140)
    Finished dry run import
    308670 records were processed and 308670 unique records would have been imported.


    The eight periods correspond to the eight monthly .cat files used for this import.


    Any periods for which no data could be obtained will be skipped. The lack of data may be due to a missing WeatherCat monthly .cat file. A short explanatory note to this effect will be displayed against the period concerned and an entry included in the log.

  6. If the --suppress-warnings option was used it may be prudent to do a second dry run this time without the --suppress-warnings option. This will allow any warnings generated by the dry run import to be observed:

    weectl import --import-config=/var/tmp/wcat.conf --dry-run

    This will result in a short preamble with details on the data source, the destination of the imported data and some other details on how the data will be processed. The import will then be performed but no data will be written to the WeeWX database.

    The output should be similar to:

    Using WeeWX configuration file /home/weewx/www-data/weewx.conf
    Starting weectl import...
    WeatherCat monthly .cat files in the '/var/tmp/wcat' directory will be imported
    Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 'weewx.sdb'
    Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
    Missing derived observations will be calculated.
    This is a dry run, imported data will not be saved to archive.
    Starting dry run import ...
    Records covering multiple periods have been identified for import.
    Period 1 ...
    Warning: Import field 'T1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraTemp1' but the
    import field 'T1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraTemp1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'T2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraTemp2' but the
    import field 'T2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraTemp2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'T3' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraTemp3' but the
    import field 'T3' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraTemp3' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'H1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraHumid1' but the
    import field 'H1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraHumid1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'H2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraHumid2' but the
    import field 'H2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraHumid2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist1' but the
    import field 'Sm1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist2' but the
    import field 'Sm2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm3' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist3' but the
    import field 'Sm3' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist3' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm4' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist4' but the
    import field 'Sm4' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist4' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lw1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafWet1' but the
    import field 'Lw1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafWet1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lw2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafWet2' but the
    import field 'Lw2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafWet2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp1' but the
    import field 'St1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp2' but the
    import field 'St2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St3' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp3' but the
    import field 'St3' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp3' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St4' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp4' but the
    import field 'St4' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp4' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lt1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafTemp1' but the
    import field 'Lt1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafTemp1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lt2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafTemp2' but the
    import field 'Lt2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafTemp2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Unique records processed: 39555; Last timestamp: 2016-10-31 23:59:00 AEST (1477922340)
    Period 2 ...
    Warning: Import field 'T1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraTemp1' but the
    import field 'T1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraTemp1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'T2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraTemp2' but the
    import field 'T2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraTemp2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'T3' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraTemp3' but the
    import field 'T3' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraTemp3' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'H1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraHumid1' but the
    import field 'H1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraHumid1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'H2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraHumid2' but the
    import field 'H2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraHumid2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist1' but the
    import field 'Sm1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist2' but the
    import field 'Sm2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm3' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist3' but the
    import field 'Sm3' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist3' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm4' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist4' but the
    import field 'Sm4' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist4' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lw1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafWet1' but the
    import field 'Lw1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafWet1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lw2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafWet2' but the
    import field 'Lw2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafWet2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp1' but the
    import field 'St1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp2' but the
    import field 'St2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St3' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp3' but the
    import field 'St3' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp3' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St4' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp4' but the
    import field 'St4' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp4' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lt1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafTemp1' but the
    import field 'Lt1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafTemp1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lt2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafTemp2' but the
    import field 'Lt2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafTemp2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Unique records processed: 38284; Last timestamp: 2016-11-30 23:59:00 AEST (1480514340)
    ... (identical entries for periods 3 to 7 omitted for conciseness)
    Period 8 ...
    Warning: Import field 'T1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraTemp1' but the
    import field 'T1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraTemp1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'T2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraTemp2' but the
    import field 'T2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraTemp2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'T3' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraTemp3' but the
    import field 'T3' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraTemp3' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'H1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraHumid1' but the
    import field 'H1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraHumid1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'H2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'extraHumid2' but the
    import field 'H2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'extraHumid2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist1' but the
    import field 'Sm1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist2' but the
    import field 'Sm2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm3' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist3' but the
    import field 'Sm3' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist3' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Sm4' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilMoist4' but the
    import field 'Sm4' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilMoist4' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lw1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafWet1' but the
    import field 'Lw1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafWet1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lw2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafWet2' but the
    import field 'Lw2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafWet2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp1' but the
    import field 'St1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp2' but the
    import field 'St2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St3' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp3' but the
    import field 'St3' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp3' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'St4' is mapped to WeeWX field 'soilTemp4' but the
    import field 'St4' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'soilTemp4' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lt1' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafTemp1' but the
    import field 'Lt1' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafTemp1' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Warning: Import field 'Lt2' is mapped to WeeWX field 'leafTemp2' but the
    import field 'Lt2' could not be found in one or more records.
    WeeWX field 'leafTemp2' will be set to 'None' in these records.
    Unique records processed: 38284; Last timestamp: 2017-06-30 23:59:00 AEST (1498831140)
    Finished dry run import
    308670 records were processed and 308670 unique records would have been imported.

    In this case warnings are evident for numerous import/WeeWX field pairs that are mapped but for which no data could be found. If the warnings relate to fields that are not included in the import source data the warning may be safely ignored. If the warning relate to fields the user expects to be in the import source data the issue should be investigated further before the import is completed.

  7. Once the dry run results are satisfactory the data can be imported using the following command:

    weectl import --import-config=/var/tmp/wcat.conf --suppress-warnings

    This will result in a preamble similar to that of a dry run. At the end of the preamble there will be a prompt:

    Using WeeWX configuration file /home/weewx/www-data/weewx.conf
    Starting weectl import...
    WeatherCat monthly .cat files in the  '/var/tmp/wcat' directory will be imported
    Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 'weewx.sdb'
    Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
    Missing derived observations will be calculated.
    Starting import ...
    Records covering multiple periods have been identified for import.
    Period 1 ...
    Proceeding will save all imported records in the WeeWX archive.
    Are you sure you want to proceed (y/n)?

    If there is more than one WeatherCat monthly .cat file the import utility will provide summary information on a per period basis during the import. In addition, if the --date option is used the source data that falls outside the date or date range specified with the --date option is ignored. In such cases the preamble may look similar to:

    Using WeeWX configuration file /home/weewx/www-data/weewx.conf
    Starting weectl import...
    WeatherCat monthly .cat files in the '/var/tmp/wcat' directory will be imported
    Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 'weewx.sdb'
    Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
    Missing derived observations will be calculated.
    Starting import ...
    Records covering multiple periods have been identified for import.
    Period 1 ...
    Period 1 - no records identified for import.
    Period 2 ...
    Period 2 - no records identified for import.
    Period 3 ...
    Proceeding will save all imported records in the WeeWX archive.
    Are you sure you want to proceed (y/n)?
  8. If the import parameters are acceptable enter y to proceed with the import or n to abort the import. If the import is confirmed, the source data will be imported, processed and saved in the WeeWX database. Information on the progress of the import will be displayed similar to the following:

    Unique records processed: 2305; Last timestamp: 2016-12-30 00:00:00 AEST (1483020000)

    Again if there is more than one WeatherCat monthly .cat file and if the --date option is used the progress information may instead look similar to:

    Period 4 ...
    Unique records processed: 8908; Last timestamp: 2017-01-31 23:59:00 AEST (1485870900)
    Period 5 ...
    Unique records processed: 8029; Last timestamp: 2017-02-28 23:59:00 AEST (1488290100)
    Period 6 ...
    Unique records processed: 8744; Last timestamp: 2017-03-31 23:59:00 AEST (1490968500)


    Any periods for which no data could be obtained will be skipped. The lack of data may be due to a missing WeatherCat monthly .cat file. A short explanatory note to this effect will be displayed against the period concerned and an entry included in the log.

    The line commencing with Unique records processed should update as records are imported with progress information on number of records processed, the number of unique records imported and the date-time of the latest record processed. If the import spans multiple months (ie multiple monthly .cat files) a new Period line is created for each month.

    Once the initial import is complete the import utility will, if requested, calculate any missing derived observations and rebuild the daily summaries. A brief summary should be displayed similar to the following:

    Calculating missing derived observations ...
    Processing record: 77782; Last record: 2017-06-30 00:00:00 AEST (1519826400)
    Recalculating daily summaries...
    Records processed: 77000; Last date: 2017-06-28 11:45:00 AEST (1519811100)
    Finished recalculating daily summaries
    Finished calculating missing derived observations

    When the import is complete a brief summary is displayed similar to the following:

    Finished import
    308670 records were processed and  08670 unique records imported in 1907.61 seconds.
    Those records with a timestamp already in the archive will not have been
    imported. Confirm successful import in the WeeWX log file.
  9. Whilst the import utility will advise of the number of unique records imported, it does not know how many, if any, of the imported records were successfully saved to the database. You should look carefully through the WeeWX log file covering the import session and take note of any records that were not imported. The most common reason for imported records not being saved to the database is because a record with that timestamp already exists in the database, in such cases something similar to the following will be found in the log:

    2023-11-04 15:33:01 weectl-import[3795]: ERROR weewx.manager: Unable to add record 2018-09-04 04:20:00 AEST (1535998800) to database 'weewx.sdb': UNIQUE constraint failed: archive.dateTime

    In such cases take note of the timestamp of the record(s) concerned and make a decision about whether to delete the pre-existing record and re-import the record or retain the pre-existing record.