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Common options

Before starting, it's worth running the utility with the --help flag to see how weectl import is used:

weectl import --help
usage: weectl import --help
       weectl import --import-config=IMPORT_CONFIG_FILE
                     [[--date=YYYY-mm-dd] | [[--from=YYYY-mm-dd[THH:MM]] [--to=YYYY-mm-dd[THH:MM]]]]

Import observation data into a WeeWX archive.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config FILENAME     Path to configuration file.
  --import-config IMPORT_CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to import configuration file.
  --dry-run             Print what would happen but do not do it.
  --date YYYY-mm-dd     Import data for this date. Format is YYYY-mm-dd.
  --from YYYY-mm-dd[THH:MM]
                        Import data starting at this date or date-time. Format is YYYY-
  --to YYYY-mm-dd[THH:MM]
                        Import data up until this date or date-time. Format is YYYY-mm-
  --verbose             Print and log useful extra output.
  --no-prompt           Do not prompt. Accept relevant defaults and all y/n prompts.
  --suppress-warnings   Suppress warnings to stdout. Warnings are still logged.

Import data from an external source into a WeeWX archive. Daily summaries are updated as
each archive record is imported so there should be no need to separately rebuild the
daily summaries.



The utility can usually guess where the configuration file is, but if you have an unusual installation or multiple stations, you may have to tell it explicitly.

weectl import --config=/this/directory/weewx.conf --import-config=/directory/import.conf


weectl import uses a secondary configuration file, known as the import configuration file, to store various import parameters. The --import-config option is mandatory for all imports. Example import configuration files for each type of import supported by weectl import are provided in the util/import directory. These example files are best used by making a copy of into a working directory and then modifying the copy to suit your needs. The --import-config option is used as follows:

weectl import --import-config=/directory/import.conf


The --dry-run option will cause the import to proceed but no actual data will be saved to the database. This is a useful option to use when first importing data.

weectl import --import-config=/directory/import.conf --dry-run


Records from a single date can be imported by use of the --date option. The --date option accepts strings of the format YYYY-mm-dd. Whilst the use of the --date option will limit the imported data to that of a single date, the default action if the --date option (and the --from and --to options) is omitted may vary depending on the source. The operation of the --date option is summarised in the following table:

Option --date
option Records imported for a CSV, Cumulus, Weather Display or WeatherCat import Records imported for a Weather Underground import
(i.e., the default)
All available records Today's records only
--date=2015-12-22 All records from 2015-12-22 00:00 (exclusive) to 2015-12-23 00:00 (inclusive) All records from 2015-12-22 00:00 (exclusive) to 2015-12-23 00:00 (inclusive)


If the --date, --from and --to options are omitted the default is to import today's records only when importing from Weather Underground or to import all available records when importing from any other source.


WeeWX considers an archive record to represent an aggregation of data over the archive interval preceding the archive record's timestamp. For this reason imports which are to be limited to a given date with the --date option will only import records timestamped after midnight at the start of the day concerned and up to and including midnight at the end of the day concerned.

--from and --to

Whilst the --date option allows imported data to be limited to a single date, the --from and --to options allow finer control by importing only the records that fall within the date or date-time range specified by the --from and --to options. The --from option determines the earliest (inclusive), and the --to option determines the latest (exclusive), date or date-time of the records being imported. The --from and --to options accept a string of the format YYYY-mm-dd[THH:MM]. The T literal is mandatory if specifying a date-time.


The --from and --to options must be used as a pair, they cannot be used individually or in conjunction with the --dateoption.

The operation of the --from and --to options is summarised in the following table:

Options --from and --to
options Records imported for a CSV, Cumulus, Weather Display or WeatherCat import Records imported for a Weather Underground import
(i.e., the default)
(i.e., the default)
All available records Today's records only
--from=2015-12-22 --to=2015-12-29 All records from 2015-12-22 00:00 (exclusive) to 2015-12-30 00:00 (inclusive) All records from 2015-12-22 00:00 (exclusive) to 2015-12-30 00:00 (inclusive)
--from=2016-7-18T15:29 --to=2016-7-25 All records from 2016-7-18 15:29 (exclusive) to 2016-7-26 00:00 (inclusive) All records from 2016-7-18 15:29 (exclusive) to 2016-7-26 00:00 (inclusive)
--from=2016-5-12 --to=2016-7-22T22:15 All records from 2016-5-12 00:00 (exclusive) to 2016-7-22 22:15 (inclusive) All records from 2016-5-12 00:00 (exclusive) to 2016-7-22 22:15 (inclusive)
--from=2016-3-18T15:29 --to=2016-6-20T22:00 All records from 2016-3-18 15:29 (exclusive) to 2016-6-20 22:00 (inclusive) All records from 2016-3-18 15:29 (exclusive) to 2016-6-20 22:00 (inclusive)


If the --date, --from and --to options are omitted the default is to import today's records only when importing from Weather Underground or to import all available records when importing from any other source.


WeeWX considers an archive record to represent an aggregation of data over the archive interval preceding the archive record's timestamp. For this reason imports which are to be limited to a given timespan with the --from and --to options will only import records timestamped after the timestamp represented by the --from option and up to and including the timestamp represented by the --to option.


Inclusion of the --verbose option will cause additional information to be printed during weectl import execution.

weectl import --import-config=/directory/import.conf --verbose


Inclusion of the --no-prompt option will run weectl import without prompts. Relevant defaults will be used and all y/n prompts are automatically accepted as 'y'. This may be useful for unattended use of weectl import.

weectl import --import-config=/directory/import.conf --no-prompt


Care must be taken when using the --no-prompt option as ignoring warnings during the import process can lead to unexpected results. Whilst existing data will be protected, the use or acceptance of an incorrect or unexpected parameter or default may lead to significant amounts of unwanted data being imported.


The --suppress-warnings option suppresses weectl import warning messages from being displayed on the console during the import. weectl import may issue a number of warnings during import. These warnings may be due to the source containing more than one entry for a given timestamp or there being no data found for a mapped import field. These warnings do not necessarily require action, but they can consist of extensive output and thus make it difficult to follow the import progress. Irrespective of whether --suppress-warnings is used all warnings are sent to log.

weectl import --import-config=/directory/import.conf --suppress-warnings