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RainWise CC3000

The CC3000 data logger stores 2MB of records.

When the logger fills up, it stops recording.

When WeeWX starts up it will attempt to download all records from the logger since the last record in the archive database.

The driver does not support hardware record generation.

The CC3000 data logger may be configured to return data in METRIC or ENGLISH units. These are then mapped to the WeeWX unit groups METRICWX or US, respectively.

Configuring with weectl device

The CC3000 can be configured with the utility weectl device.


Make sure you stop weewxd before running weectl device.


Invoking weectl device with the --help option will produce something like this:

weectl device --help
Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)
Usage: weectl device [config_file] [options] [-y] [--debug] [--help]

Configuration utility for weewx devices.

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--debug               display diagnostic information while running
-y                    answer yes to every prompt
--info                display weather station configuration
--current             display current weather readings
--history=N           display N records (0 for all records)
--history-since=N     display records since N minutes ago
--clear-memory        clear station memory
--get-header          display data header
--get-rain            get the rain counter
--reset-rain          reset the rain counter
--get-max             get the max values observed
--reset-max           reset the max counters
--get-min             get the min values observed
--reset-min           reset the min counters
--get-clock           display station clock
--set-clock           set station clock to computer time
--get-interval        display logger archive interval, in seconds
--set-interval=N      set logging interval to N seconds
--get-units           show units of logger
--set-units=UNITS     set units to METRIC or ENGLISH
--get-dst             display daylight savings settings
--set-dst=mm/dd HH:MM,mm/dd HH:MM,[MM]M
set daylight savings start, end, and amount
--get-channel         display the station channel
set the station channel


Display the station settings with --info

weectl device --info

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)
Firmware: Rainwise CC-3000 Version: 1.3 Build 022 Dec 02 2016
Time: 2020/01/04 15:38:14
DST: 03/08 02:00,11/01 02:00,060
Memory: 252242 bytes, 4349 records, 12%
Interval: 300
Channel: 0
Baro: 30.37
Rain: 3.31
MAX: ['MAX', '11:59  61.1', '02:47  99', '09:51 30.42', '13:32 337', '13:32  13.3', '00:00   0.00', '09:20  ~
MIN: ['MIN', '02:19  40.6', '14:42  66', '00:34 30.24', '00:00  67', '00:00   0.0', '00:00   0.00', '06:48  ~


Returns the current values in a comma-delimited format. The order of the data values corresponds to the output of the --get-header command. NO DATA is returned if the unit has not received a transmission from the weather station.

weectl device --current

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)
{'dateTime': 1578175453.0, 'outTemp': 58.6, 'outHumidity': 71.0, 'pressure': 30.36, 'windDir': 315.0, ~


Display the latest N records from the CC3000 logger memory. Use a value of 0 to display all records. Note: because there may be other records mixed in with the archive records, this command will display an extra seven records per day (or partial day).

weectl device --history=2

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)
['REC', '2020/01/04 13:25', ' 58.9', ' 71', '30.36', '344', '  4.9', ' 10.7', '  0.00', ' 7.44', ' 5.26', ~
['REC', '2020/01/04 13:30', ' 59.0', ' 71', '30.36', '327', '  3.6', ' 10.0', '  0.00', ' 7.32', ' 5.26', ~
['REC', '2020/01/04 13:35', ' 59.1', ' 70', '30.36', '305', '  5.5', ' 13.3', '  0.00', ' 7.44', ' 5.26', ~
['REC', '2020/01/04 13:40', ' 59.1', ' 70', '30.36', '330', '  3.4', '  8.9', '  0.00', ' 7.08', ' 5.26', ~
['REC', '2020/01/04 13:45', ' 58.9', ' 70', '30.36', '318', '  2.6', '  7.2', '  0.00', ' 7.17', ' 5.26', ~
['REC', '2020/01/04 13:50', ' 58.8', ' 71', '30.36', '312', '  3.6', '  7.9', '  0.00', ' 7.14', ' 5.26', ~
['REC', '2020/01/04 13:55', ' 58.9', ' 71', '30.36', '330', '  4.5', ' 10.0', '  0.00', ' 7.20', ' 5.26', ~
['REC', '2020/01/04 14:00', ' 58.8', ' 71', '30.36', '331', '  4.6', '  9.6', '  0.00', ' 7.38', ' 5.26', ~
['REC', '2020/01/04 14:05', ' 58.6', ' 71', '30.36', '331', '  4.0', '  9.3', '  0.00', ' 7.29', ' 5.26', ~


Display all CC3000 logger memory records created in the last N minutes.

weectl device --history-since=10

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)
{'dateTime': 1578175800.0, 'outTemp': 58.6, 'outHumidity': 70.0, 'pressure': 30.36, 'windDir': 316.0, ~
{'dateTime': 1578176100.0, 'outTemp': 58.7, 'outHumidity': 70.0, 'pressure': 30.36, 'windDir': 317.0, ~


Use --clear-memory` to erase all records from the logger memory.

weectl device --clear-memory


Returns a series of comma delimited text descriptions. These descriptions are used to identify the type and order of the returned data in both --get-current</code>,--download=N and `--download-since=N commands.

weectl device --get-header

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)


Display the rain counter.

The CC-3000 maintains a rainfall counter that is only reset by a reboot or by issuing the reset command. The counter counts in 0.01 inch increments and rolls over at 65536 counts. Issuing the rainfall reset command will clear all rainfall counters including the current daily rainfall.

weectl device --get-rain

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)


Reset the rain counter to zero.

weectl device --reset-rain


Get the maximum values observed since the last time.

Output parameter order: Outside temperature, humidity, pressure, wind direction, wind speed, rainfall (daily total), station voltage, inside temperature. If any optional sensors have been enabled they will also be displayed.

weectl device --get-max

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)
['MAX', '11:59  61.1', '02:47  99', '09:51 30.42', '13:32 337', '13:32  13.3', '00:00   0.00', '09:20 ~


Reset the maximum values.

weectl device --reset-max


Get the minimum values observed since the last time.

Output parameter order: Outside temperature, humidity, pressure, wind direction, wind speed, rainfall (ignore), station voltage, inside temperature. If any optional sensors have been enabled they will also be displayed.

weectl device --get-min

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)
['MIN', '02:19  40.6', '14:42  66', '00:34 30.24', '00:00  67', '00:00   0.0', '00:00   0.00', '06:48 ~


Reset the minimum values.

weectl device --reset-min


Get the time.

weectl device --get-clock

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)
2020/01/04 15:01:34


Set the station clock to match the date/time of the computer.

weectl device --set-clock


Returns the current logging interval (in seconds).

weectl device --get-interval

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)


Set the archive interval.

CC3000 loggers ship from the factory with an archive interval of 1 minutes (60 seconds). To change the station's interval to 300 seconds (5 minutes), do the following:

weectl device --set-interval=5


Returns the current measurement units.

weectl device --get-units

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)


The CC3000 can display data in either ENGLISH or METRIC unit systems. Use --set-units to specify one or the other.

The CC3000 driver automatically converts the units to maintain consistency with the units in WeeWX.

weectl device --set-units=ENGLISH


Return the dates and times when the clock will change due to daylight saving and the number of minutes that the clock will change.

This will result in something like:

Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)
03/08 02:00,11/01 02:00,060


Set the station start, end, and amount of daylight savings.

The schedule can be set by adding the three parameters, forward date and time, back date and time and number of minutes to change (120 max).

weectl device --set-dst="03/08 02:00,11/01 02:00,060"

Daylight saving can be disabled by setting the daylight-saving to zero.

weectl device --set-dst=0


Displays the station channel (0-3).

This will result in something like:

Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Using CC3000 driver version 0.30 (weewx.drivers.cc3000)


Rainwise stations transmit on one of four channels. If you have multiple instrument clusters within a kilometer or so of each other, you should configure each to use a different channel. In the instrument cluster, remove the cover and set the DIP switches 0 and 1. Use --set-channel to a value of 0-3 to match that of the instrument cluster.

weectl device --set-channel=0

Station data

The following table shows which data are provided by the station hardware and which are calculated by WeeWX.

CC3000 station data
Database Field Observation Loop Archive
barometer S S
pressure PRESSURE H H
altimeter S S
inTemp TEMP IN H H
outTemp TEMP OUT H H
outHumidity HUMIDITY H H
windSpeed WIND SPEED H H
windGust WIND GUST H H
rain rain_delta D D
rainRate S S
dewpoint S S
windchill S S
heatindex S S
consBatteryVoltage BATTERY BACKUP H
extraTemp12 TEMP 1 H H
extraTemp22 TEMP 2 H H

1 The radiation and UV data are available only with the optional solar radiation sensor.

2 The extraTemp1 and extraTemp2 data are available only with the optional additional temperature sensors.

H indicates data provided by Hardware
D indicates data calculated by the Driver
S indicates data calculated by the StdWXCalculate Service